Fashion Dress in The Present: nutrition
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Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

Cupcakes, running shoes, & finding a balance

I was scrolling through Pinterest yesterday looking for motivational quotes to put on our goal board in the gym where I work. In the midst of all of the words and images of people running, lifting weights, practicing yoga, there was one particular box that made me pause. It said: “Don’t listen to your inner fatty. She’s an evil b*tch. She misses cupcakes.” Sure, it was funny. (Because who doesn’t like cupcakes? They are delicious.) But it was the reference to the inner self that made me think about the quote beyond its basic humor.

We all have voice in our head that dictates what we do throughout the day. It determines whether we go to the gym after a long day at work or we head home to the couch; whether we eat the salad at lunch or the massive burrito; and whether we decide to continue working towards our fitness and health goals or let them fall to the wayside. According to the quote mentioned above when we make the choice to head to the gym, eat the salad, or keep pushing towards our goals, our skinny self is in charge; when we sit back on the couch, eat the burrito, and give up on ourselves, our inner fatty is wheeling his or her ugly head. However, what if we consider that we are not simply one or the other – fat or thin – but rather a combination of the two?

Trying to be just the skinny self is hard – it requires a lot of commitment, time, and effort on one’s part to stay motivated on a daily basis. However, channeling only our inner chubby self does not necessarily make life easy either; it can lead to a load of problems, including weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, among other issues. As a result, like most things in life, the trick is to find a balance between the two and acknowledge that while our skinny and fat selves are at odds with one another essentially they are one in the same - because they make up you.

So who do we achieve balance in fitness, in our diet, in achieving better health? Begin by starting small, making sure that your goals are specific, realistic, measureable, time bound, and achievable. Being prepared to run a marathon in a month’s time is time sensitive, specific, and measureable; however, if you are hitting the road for the first time and have yet to run even a 5k that goal is neither realistic nor attainable. Likewise, if you are looking to drop a few pounds before the holidays arrive, that is fantastic. But you need to determine exactly how much weight you would like to lose and by when; what is realistic for your body type (and your schedule); and then create a plan to establish healthy eating habits that you can maintain for the long-term, not a fad diet. Whatever type of plan you are creating, whether it is a training schedule or diet strategy, be sure to give your lean self a break once you have established those healthy habits and give the chubby bunny inside a nod once in awhile.

Reason being? It will prevent burnout on the fitness side. It will keep you from binge cheating on your diet (e.g. not just eating the one donut – but eating the wholepack of donuts). But even more so, it will bring a sense of balance to your life, allow you to sustain your healthy habits, and still work towards your fitness and health goals rather than contribute the vicious yo-yo dieting and “get fit – fall off the wagon” cycles. 

Our inner fatty is there, but s/he is not necessarily evil. S/he simply needs to be heard once in a while in order to give the skinny self a rest from all that exercising and clean eating. But more importantly, the two have to work together to keep our whole self sane and to keep ourselves on a path to better overall health. So… if you’ve already hit the gym everyday this week so far: cupcake, anyone?  

Get out of the cold and into the gym: Part I

Winter is quickly approaching, and soon the cold weather will take us from the outdoors and force us inside. As a way to keep moving and prevent cabin fever, there are a number of options to help keep the cold and extra pounds at bay through the cold winter months.

Bikram Yoga. If you are looking to get warm and toasty, take a Bikram yoga class. Also referred to as “hot yoga”, Bikram yogis perform their practice in a heated room (104 °F). This form of yoga helps the practitioner build strength, flexibility, muscular endurance and release toxins through the sweat. Classes typically run from anywhere between 60 to 90 minutes. During that time the practitioner will be lead through a series of 26 poses and two different breathing exercises.

If you decide to give hot yoga a chance, be sure to wear light, well-vented, form-fitting clothing so that you are able to keep cool and avoid feeling restricted during the movements. Also be sure to go to drink plenty of water before, during and after class to ensure that you are properly hydrated. It is also suggested to bring a small towel, although most studios provide them for a small cost.

CrossFit. If you are an avid exerciser and/or gym-goer more than likely you know someone who has done CrossFit. While the regimen’s safety has been debated in recent months, there are numbers of people who have found a path to better health through what CrossFit Headquarters refers as the “Sport of Fitness”.

CrossFit is an exercise program that prides itself on being “constantly varied” – the regimen pulls from gymnastics, Power Lifting, Olympic Weightlifting, and endurance sports (e.g. running, rowing, jumping rope) and tests these movements in ever-changing workouts at a high intensity.  The regimen is designed to create a well-rounded and balanced athlete rather than a specialist (e.g. marathon runner).

If you decide to give CrossFit a try, many CrossFit gyms (also known as a “box”) offer a free trial class. However, before settling on a gym, be sure to do shopping around. Avoid gyms that offer Groupons, which discount their services simply to get you into the door, and that do not include introductory classes that require you to learn the movements.

When you do find a gym you are interested in, be sure to ask the coaches about their credentials, the gym culture and community, as well as the types of workouts that regularly appear (NOTE: Offering only long workouts or workouts with a name attached to them should put up a red flag). Each CrossFit gym is different, but doing the proper research can help you find a box that suits your individual needs.

Barre.  Instead of heading to the bar for spirits to keep you warm, try a barre class instead. The ballet-inspired program incorporates dance with other traditional exercises to give the practitioner a toned and sculpted body.

There are various types of barre classes to try – some focus more primarily on dance while others incorporate traditional yoga and/or Pilates exercises into the routine. There are also classes that focus on “strengthening and lengthening” the body, sessions led by physical therapists to perform movements while protecting your joints, as well as classes that incorporate exercise props such as hand weights and exercise balls.

Whatever class you do choose, be prepared to ease into the routine and then get in a killer lower body workout. While Barre classes will give you a good overall workout, they will especially work your core, legs, and butt – and who doesn’t want that?

With the cold weather looming it is time to head back inside, but avoid total hibernation by trying out a new type of fitness class to your exercise regimen. Be sure to check back in the coming weeks for our Part II of our "Get out of the cold" series for more ideas to keep you sweating through the winter months. 

The Rise App: Nutrition experts in your pocket

Aside from moonlighting as a fitness and nutrition writer, I own a gym and act as a personal trainer and group fitness coach. My clients come to our gym for a number of reasons, including strength building, endurance training, weight loss, and general fitness. As a result, I try to stay up-to-date on tools that will help our members with their personal goals.

When weight loss is the goal, aside from prescribing a diet filled with lean meats, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, and no sugar, I encourage clients to keep a food diary, either manually in a notepad or with an app (e.g. My Fitness Pal or My Plate), to track and monitor their daily food intake. The hope is that together, my client and I will begin to notice patterns in their eating habits – where overeating occurs and what foods can either be reduced or taken out entirely, for example. While I provide my professional opinion to my clients when viewing their food diaries, not everyone has access to fitness and nutritional help on an everyday basis – until now.

A new app called, Rise, provides users with a nutrition expert at their fingertips. The app pairs the user with a coach, who is works with them one-on-one to help them reach their fitness and weight loss goals. The app is simple to use, affordable (costing as little as $15 a week), and provides a human element that simple calorie trackers cannot.

When signing up for Rise, you enter in the typical data such as your height, current weight, gender, activity levels and goal weight. However, Rise, takes the “getting to know you” data a step further and allows you to post your real reason(s) for seeking nutrition health – ranging from general weight loss to help with marathon training. Not only that but it also allows you to identify and distinguish how you generally eat to pair you with an appropriate coach: whether you are vegetarian, vegan, follow a Mediterranean diet, or in the Paleo camp, they have a coach well suited to your needs.

Aside from being paired with coach that understands your needs, the app is simple to use. Instead of typing in food items and searching for them in other calorie tracker apps, Rise, lets you simply take a picture of your food and submit it for review. The coach then offers his advice on each meal and offers suggestions based on what he sees. The end result something calorie trackers cannot provide – human accountability. You receive real feedback from a real person to keep you on track and your eating habits in line with your personal goals. You can even choose the type of feedback you receive, ranging from encouragement to tough love, whatever type of motivation you need to keep you on track.

Having a coach, whether face-to-face or via online, can help keep you accountable and motivated as you work towards your weight loss goals. However, the service provides you with more than accountability and motivation; it assists you in establishing healthy eating habits. Establishing good eating habits not only sustains weight loss but also provides you with better overall health. So give Rise a chance – the only thing you have to lose are a few extra pounds you have been holding onto.

Stay ahead of the holiday weight gain: A few tricks, so you can enjoy the treats!

Halloween is next week, and October’s spookiest night will kick off this year’s holiday season. Before you will be even begin to put away all of your candy, we will begin the short-lived, busy weeks heading towards Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then New Years. Over the course of the next couple of months, there will be parties with friends, work gatherings, and family dinners – which may make it difficult to get to the gym and to keep your diet in check. As a result, while you are putting on the final touches of your costume for the party, also consider using these few tricks to stay ahead of all of the treats (and calories!) you will likely encounter.  

Scan the buffet table. When attending social functions, make sure that you scan the buffet table for what is available before loading up your plate. Assessing your choices first before filling your plate will allow yourself to eat the best food available as well as allow yourself to splurge – but do so in moderation. While one or two small cookies are not going to cause your waistline to expand, trying all six options may leave you feeling a little guilty and a little less confident about the notch in your belt.

Savor what is special. It’s Thanksgiving, and your grandma makes a mean pecan pie. Since you only grandma’s pie only comes around once a year, you want to make sure that you can enjoy the indulgence. So be sure to plan ahead: eat smaller portions during the main course; try to exercise at some point during the day to make room for the extra calories; and savor your piece of pie. Eat slowly, enjoy it, and then avoid all of the additional dessert options that have always have never even come close to grandma’s pie.

Hold back on the drinks. Aside from all of the small plates and treats, drinking large amounts of alcohol not only leads to a lot of unneeded calories (but also the potential to being over-served – something you and your boss do not need to experience!) Try to limit yourself to one or two cocktails over the course of the evening; limit consumption by drinking a glass of water in between each drink and/or switching over to soda water. Aside from cutting back on the amount of drinks you are having in an evening, also try options that have less sugar, such as red wine.

Plan ahead. When you are traveling to and fro, try to plan ahead to ensure that you have some healthy options. Pack healthy snacks that are well-portioned and easily accessible for when hunger strikes. It may save you some cash on the expensive products at the airport and/or prevent you from indulging in that candy bar at the convenience store.

Work it out… anywhere.  During the holidays, all of the parties, gatherings, and traveling can cut into gym time. However, that does not mean you still can’t keep moving throughout the day. Simple things, such as parking further away in the lot while you run errands and taking the stairs instead of the elevator can help burn a few extra calories. Plus, even if you have twenty minutes to yourself, performing body weight exercises, for example push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, etc., can help you get in a brief, hard-hitting workout.

The holidays are an exciting time of year, but can also be dangerous on your waistline if you don’t take proper action. So this year – stay ahead of the holiday weight gain, starting with Halloween, so you can take on a more inspiring New Year’s resolution (the next Great American Novel, anyone?) and, of course, enjoy yourself.

JuiceRx - Local Love

The road to healthy can be long, tumultuous and frustrating, but it doesn't have to taste bad! JuiceRx, a local juice cleanse brand, shared some of their awesome juice concoctions with me to try this month. I will be the first to say that the idea of a magical juice cleanses helping you drop the pounds and inches in a week is a bunch of baloney. BUT, a brand that is meant to help you kick start your health, get you the nutrients you need and detoxify your body of the bad stuff is what JuiceRx is all about.

There is a lot of controversy about the so-called detox diets, especially due to the fact that many are not sustainable. Of course you will lose weight if you are not eating and only sustaining yourself on liquids. Yet, once you begin eating "normal" again the chances of you gaining are much higher. There is also some research that shows that you are slowing down your metabolism when you are on a prolonged cleanse. Yet, there are also some positives that relate to juice cleanses, especially when done under the supervision of your doctor and to help supplement your health rather than just as a crash diet.

Juice Cleanses are known to help those suffering from inflammatory diseases, allergies, chronic pain, autoimmune diseases or bloating. They are a great way to flush out the bad and help kick those sweet cravings. Yet, it's important to note that the juices are not just some magical elixir that automatically flush your body. It takes time and it is so important to drink a lot of water while on a cleanse in order to flush your body properly. The JuiceRX options are a switch up from your typical store bought juices and a much easier way to "juice" in general. As an at-home juicer, I know from experience the amount of time, produce necessary to make one serving of juice and the expenses that can come along with it. Let's just say it's a lot! It's worth it, but it can be a bit much for the non-experienced juicer.

These cleanses, raw foods and elixirs aren’t about fad, or fashion. They’re about high quality nutrition that encourages healing and youthful vigor to improve quality of life today, tomorrow, and well into the future. Unlike many cleanses and health foods, the JuiceRX flavors delight even the pickiest palate. I had the opportunity to try out the "Regular" one day cleanse that had a variety of green juices, fruit based juices and the amazing horchata juice. The juice I make at home tends to be a bit thick, but in comparison the JuiceRX juices were fine, easy to drink and pulp free. Which means your body absorbs it in less than 15 minutes. They use a specialty juicer that applies 5,000 pounds of pressure to fresh, organic fruits and vegetables to extract (that's what all that cold-press stuff means) their juices. This means you get the maximum vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and phytonutrients in every serving. Dean, the founder states that this press delivers 3 to 5 times more nutrition than any other juicing technique, with over 50 lbs of fruits and vegetable nutrients delivered in a 3 day cleanse! Who eats 50 lbs of fruits and veggies ever?

Did I mention how good they tasted? Seriously, this Mexirican was all about that horchata. I almost felt like I was cheating drinking it because it tasted like my favorite drink from my favorite hole in the wall taco place. JuiceRX has taken this Mexican classic and turned it into something that not only tastes amazing, but has managed to make it really good for you, too! They mixed up organic cashews, added a hearty dose of copper, which is known to support bone health and protects against free radicals and of course included cinnamon, which is also known for its cholesterol lowering and blood sugar regulating properties. So good!!

So, besides letting me try out their juices, the JuiceRX founder - Dean Kasal  - sat down with me to share his story. It's always amazing to me how entrepreneurs get their start and Dean, just like many others I've spoken with, started his business out of a personal journey. After years in the corporate grind, Dean was stressed and unhealthy. Facing a constant battle with Ulcerative Colitis and a life of prescriptions that ended up hurting him more than helping him, he was afraid of the life in store for him. After less than a year of popping prescription pills that promised to keep the disease at bay, blood tests revealed elevated liver enzyme levels indicating serious liver damage had occurred. As it turns out, this damage was caused by the pills that were intended to restore health. For someone as young as Dean was at the time, this news was mind blowing.

It was the wake up call he needed to make some life altering decisions to get himself back on the path to health. In 2009, in an attempt to find a natural and holistic way of healing, Dean began juicing. A year later he found himself completely cured of a disease that he was told was incurable. All because of his journey with juicing. He realized to feel better he had to do better for his body and that started by changing what he put into it. This led him to launching what is now JuiceRX. He wanted to share his journey and new found health with the world.

Now, nearly 5 years later, Dean has grown his local business in an amazing way. Now offering shipping nationwide and a new line of Raw Foods, he is set to continue to take on the health industry by storm. The FoodRX addition is a great take on the mail order food system. There are not many companies that offer both food and juice options. Typically, it is one or the other, but Dean saw a need and decided to give his customers what they were looking for: a raw food line that tastes good and is good for you. All meals are made fresh for you the day they are delivered. For best taste and maximum nutrition, enjoy within 6 days of delivery (not including delivery day for local deliveries). My favorite is the Southwestern Chili. Filling, spicy and best with the cashew sour cream! If you haven't checked out JuiceRx - do so today and give them a try, you won't regret it!

October is vegetarian month!

There are plenty of reasons to take a more plant-based approach in your diet.  Research from the Harvard Health Publication and the Brown University Health Promotion claim benefits of eating a vegetarian diet. Such benefits include lowered risks for heart disease, certain cancers, (such as breast, ovarian, and colorectal cancer) diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.

However, an improved health is not the only thing that one can gain from eating a plant-based diet. A person can also feel better on an ethical level:  vegetarian diets are better on the environment as well as take a stand against animal cruelty.

If you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian or are simply interested in eating a more plant-based diet, here are a few tips to help you along the way:
Grain Fed. When choosing grains, opt for whole grain rather than refined and/or white grains. Whole grains are a source of important nutrients, such as dietary fiber, B Vitamins, and iron, magnesium, and selenium.

Mix It Up. Be sure to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure that you receive a proper amount of nutrients.

Supplement. If you eat an entirely plant-based diet, you may need to supplement in order to achieve a full-range of vitamins and minerals. Vegetarians often supplement with Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D, Calcium, Zinc, and Riboflavin.

Limit and moderate. Just as if you were eating the Standard American Diet, there are certain foods that should be eaten in moderation. Foods that are high in sugar or high in fat should be eaten in limited amounts.

Whether you are looking to become a full-fledge vegetarian or are just wanting to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet, there are a number of resources online to assist you on your journey, including:

    Where's Jimmy?!

    Written by: Thom Olson as featured in Halfstack's Fall Issue. Read the entire issue today HERE.

    It’s Sunday afternoon and you are at Oak Street Beach. A beautiful blonde comes up and asks you “Where’s Jimmy?” and proceeds to hand you a light blue package. The color is somewhat similar to Tiffany’s iconic little gift boxes. Alas… Tiffany’s is not giving away free samples... though one can still hope.  It is, however, a small sample of a fruit bar. It’s marked vegan. Some might find that word marked on the package a little scary. You either try it or throw it in your travel tote for later. 

    Later you happen to be on a mud run. Could it be that running in this madness is the result of a three-martini evening where you placed a bet and lost? Thus… you are running through an obstacle course doused in soggy wet dirt. Or, is this something you volunteered for because you find it “pleasant”? Anyhow, low and behold, you see that same blonde, who hands you another taste of something wrapped in the same blue wrapper.  Exhausted and hungry, you decide to give it a try.  You eat it. OMG, you actually like it.  You ask for another and get a taste of a second flavor. You wolf it down and are on your way. Did you just have your first vegan experience?

    After a shower and cozying up with a very large bar of soap, you hop on down to the Whole Foods Grocery store to get something for dinner. Who do you run in to? Yup, you guessed it. Blondie hands you a sample but this time you ask for a couple of the real deal and buy them. You have just bought a Jimmy Bar.

    Jimmy Bars are a fruit-based snack bar. Each bar has all natural ingredients. In a rare twist of food packaging, all the ingredients are featured prominently on the front of the package and not in micro type buried on the back. There isn’t anything listed that leaves a question mark in your mind like Maltodextrin, high fructose corn syrup or some hydrogenated goo.  You can actually pronounce all the ingredients and see there is a shelf life on the package. It’s not like a Twinkie.  Yes, it is vegan, but that is less scary now. There isn’t a dairy component added to the product nor are there any lactose bi-products added. It is gluten free — not a lot of foods can say that, particularly in the snack bar category.  The funny thing is, though, it actually tastes good without any sugar added. The base of the bar is dates. There are 4 varieties: Chocolate Chip, Banana Muffin, Peanut Butter and Apple. With all that said why are you still intrigued? It was blonde right? Or was it the food? So, you start to do some investigating, as you need an answer to the question.

    Who is the blonde?
    You might have run into one of the two that man the helm of this healthy snack food ship. The very athletically handsome: Jimmy Simon, Co-Founder of Jimmy Bars OR his lovely niece Ciarra. Ciarra is the extremely cute, collegiate daughter of the other Co-Founder Annette Del Prete. The pieces start to fall in to place as you recognize it. Annette is one of the owners of Fillippo’s Restaurant in Lincoln Park. You probably have been going there for many years either before or after a movie. It’s a staple destination over on Clybourn St. It is kiddy corner from Webster Place Theater.

    You recognize the blonde, as you have seen her many times at Fillippo’s, waiting on you. Both businesses are a family thing. This new nutrition bar sprang into existence out of the same kitchen as your homemade pasta dinner. It stands to reason and it is no wonder why it would taste good. The restaurant has been around for over 20 years making your favorite Chicken Valdostana. The restaurant was in the neighborhood before it was a neighborhood. They make their own pasta in house and after a plate of it I asked Annette, “What’s the story?”

    A word about Annette… and full disclose here. We go way back. I was a waiter in the first restaurant she managed when she got out of college. Her name was Annette Simon. That’s how we first met. A few years later, I ran into her at Fillippo’s where she was engaged to Fillippo Del Prete. They have since got married and had two kids. Annette is very smart. She knows food and is fierce in business. She is also a serial entrepreneur. She has had four businesses including: the restaurant, a Mexican fast food shop, a wholesale bakery and now Jimmy Bars. Jimmy Simon is her brother and very much like her. He is also a serial entrepreneur. He has had six businesses including a very successful IT development company, an art gallery, a commercial realty business and two paper companies.  He chuckles at doing the same business twice but he said it was fun.

    He has lived on both coasts and a couple spots in between before coming back to Chicago to do take on this new venture. They both readily admit to their dad having a lot to do with their self-made state of mind. He was a commodities trader but also an entrepreneur.  He instilled in them the mindset to blaze their own paths. He said there is no pension plan option; one has to build it on-their-own in order to ensure their future. Jimmy (who is very active and very healthy) asked Annette to join him in a new business venture. This time, though,  it would be a retail food item that would leverage her expertise. Her epicurean results are what is currently being sold in over 30 states and Canada. Jimmy Bars are also beginning to ship to the UK and Australia.  It has been a very meteoric rise. They started selling bars just a year and a half ago.

    You can read the full article in the Fall Issue of Halfstack Magazine - To read click HERE

    A Little R&R Never Hurt Anybody!

    Oftentimes there is a lot of focus on finding that motivation to workout. We read magazines, pin inspirational quotes to our Pinterest boards, put together playlists all to help keep us on track. While we amp ourselves up to get to the gym on a regular basis and are keeping our diets in check there is one aspect of training that oftentimes is neglected – resting. Yes, I said it. While maintaining an active lifestyle it is equally important to focus on exercise, diet, and rest in order to achieve the results you are looking for.
    According to the Mayo Clinic it is important to strength train twice a week and then complete some kind of aerobic exercise, ranging from 150 minutes (for moderate aerobic activities) to 75 minutes (for vigorous aerobic activities). The prescription varies among individuals and their goals. Beginners may follow strive merely for 20 minutes of aerobic activity per day while more serious individuals may exercise for an hour or more several days per week. Regardless of where you are at in your training, the rest day is not to be neglected, and there are several different ways to love your rest day.
    Active Recovery
    For some though the idea of "resting" (i.e. not doing any kind of a exercise of any kind) makes them feel twitchy. As a result, these individuals may want to take part in "active recovery". This type of recovery refers to performing activities, such as rowing, biking, jogging, swimming, etc., at a 60-70% level.
    Active recovery should not be overly taxing. The idea is invigorate and restore the body rather than leave it feeling tired and depleted; instead, the movements should leave the athlete feeling more alert, primed, and better prepared for tomorrow's training.
    Yoga & Mobility
    A restorative yoga class is another form of active recovery and is another good activity for those who dread the idea of taking a full day's rest. For example, Yin yoga is a good choice because it forces the athlete to perform poses for extended periods of time in order to increase flexibility and improve blood circulation around the joints. In addition, the practice seeks to compliment exercise programs (not just other yoga practices) and restore balance.
    If a formal yoga class is not your thing, try trigger point therapy. Using a foam roller and/or other trigger point tools, such as Trigger Point’s FootBaller, QuadBaller, Massage Block, etc. to increase your mobility and flexibility. Such tools can be found online through sites such as Trigger Point, Rogue Fitness, and a variety of other sites.
    Body Work & Inflammation Control
    Aside from performing mobility on your own, another option to work those muscles may be to go see a massage therapist, an acupuncturist, or see a physical therapist to perform Active Release Techniques [ART]. Another good way to release toxins in the body and to minimize inflammation levels is to try either a mustard seed, salt, or ice bath.
    Mental Restoration
    What I am referring to here is mental restoration. For each athlete recovering mentally from your training is necessary in order to keep motivated as well as avoid burnout. How you recover mentally though is largely up to you: whether it's reading a book, mediating, spending time outside, getting out with friends or family, writing, cooking, or simply just preparing for the next day, do something that allows your brain to take a "time-out" so that it can prepare for what is to come tomorrow.
    It is sometimes difficult to take a rest day: you don't want to miss a particular workout, your lifting buddy is heckling you to come in, and/or you're excited about your progress and want to continue making strides. But sometimes forcing that rest day upon yourself will give you a much needed break and allow you to come back stronger and more focused, which will only help you in the long run.
    Brittany Lohmann - Health & Fitness Blogger

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