Today's Everyday Fashion - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Today's Everyday Fashion

Occasion: Blogger dinner (last night)
Shirt: J.Crew, $20
Shorts: Forever 21, $20
Belt: Gap, $3
Necklace: Banana Republic, $13
Shoes: Mia/Macy's, $28
Clutch: Urban Outfitters, $30
Watch: Fossil

From left to right: Raya from Raya Runs, Gina from The Fitnessita, Katy from, Katy from The Balanced Foodie, and Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers. (Photo is courtesy of Julie, thanks Julie!)

I had a fantastic time getting to know some more bloggers in the Orlando area. They kind of lost me a couple times when they were talking about food blogging, but were totally game to answer all my questions and had tons of helpful suggestions for a new blogger like me! I have really been struggling lately with not letting negative comments get to me, and this dinner was helpful in remembering why I blog and to keep doing what I love no matter what some (haters) might say. Thanks ladies, you were a big help and inspiration!!

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