HAIL THE CONQUERER!! Mr. Wu has shown the world that he is no fly by night, one hit wonder. This fall collection clearly puts him in world class position for a place in the 21st century fashion hall of fame. He deftly worked his theme with grace, with art, with craftsmanship and with a decidedly sure hand. He took lace and he dissected it in every way and when he trimmed a hoodie with it …and d
id it successfully, then we know he is at the top of his game.
One could say that there was a YSL undercurrent and that the collection was a bit prim, but I say bring it on. Many of the younger generation of designers are discovering what made great collection even greater by delving back to when clothes were not solely based on their youth factor or their trend factor. Good clothes should withstand the immediacy of a season and Mr. Wu has found that chic, slick and urbane clothes are the remedy to too many collections that try to be uber hip and uber young and thusly yield a few too many “me too” collections.
id it successfully, then we know he is at the top of his game.
One could say that there was a YSL undercurrent and that the collection was a bit prim, but I say bring it on. Many of the younger generation of designers are discovering what made great collection even greater by delving back to when clothes were not solely based on their youth factor or their trend factor. Good clothes should withstand the immediacy of a season and Mr. Wu has found that chic, slick and urbane clothes are the remedy to too many collections that try to be uber hip and uber young and thusly yield a few too many “me too” collections.