I was actually planning to post on more important things today, but this comment in my Irda posting caught my attention -
Anonymous said...
Banyak sangat tengok cerita hantu ni sebab tu lah fikiran korang senang DIMOMOK MOMOKKAN NI. Cubalah fikir positif sikit. Baru JB nak maju sikit korang dah buat cerita-cerita mcm ni. Orang-orang IRDA jangan layanlah orang-orang macam ni. Moh gi buat kerja. Kalau degil aku report kat Mail siapa yang post comment mcm-mcm ni. Dont play play aku ada ramai kaki kat SKMM. Fan club fan club janda puaka, cukup-cukuplah. I think they got the message. BIG CAT jum kita cite lain pulak. Cerita pasal pasal kenapa ramai bangla depan rumah aku ni ke? Cerita orang midle income mcm aku yang tak mampu beli rumah kat JB ni ke? Cerita kenapa kurang ajar sangat orang Spore bila memandu kat Msia ke? OOOPS LUPA. Cerita- cerita mcm ni tak boleh lakukan blog kau kan big cat?
17 November 2011 07:20
I guess that is how Irda big wigs handles their unhappy staff. Ok lah, I think it did manage to scare all those unhappy Irda people. Good also. I am beginning to worry that my blog is turning into an Irda blog.
As for me wanting to popularise my blog, well, as I said, I had intended the Irda posting as a reminder for them to fix what little problems they have. It was an advice to them, actually. Nothing more than that.
If I really want to be popular I would not have waited this long before I started posting about Irda Or I can post insidious pictures like this -

Ok, please don't push me to do such nonsense.
If your staff are unhappy, I think it is better to let them vent their anger and frustrations here rather than feeding info to the Pakatan people. Info such as funny distribution of contracts and other even more damaging stuff. Mine is just a small insignificant anonymous blog what. Why worry eh?
Anonymous said...
Banyak sangat tengok cerita hantu ni sebab tu lah fikiran korang senang DIMOMOK MOMOKKAN NI. Cubalah fikir positif sikit. Baru JB nak maju sikit korang dah buat cerita-cerita mcm ni. Orang-orang IRDA jangan layanlah orang-orang macam ni. Moh gi buat kerja. Kalau degil aku report kat Mail siapa yang post comment mcm-mcm ni. Dont play play aku ada ramai kaki kat SKMM. Fan club fan club janda puaka, cukup-cukuplah. I think they got the message. BIG CAT jum kita cite lain pulak. Cerita pasal pasal kenapa ramai bangla depan rumah aku ni ke? Cerita orang midle income mcm aku yang tak mampu beli rumah kat JB ni ke? Cerita kenapa kurang ajar sangat orang Spore bila memandu kat Msia ke? OOOPS LUPA. Cerita- cerita mcm ni tak boleh lakukan blog kau kan big cat?
17 November 2011 07:20
I guess that is how Irda big wigs handles their unhappy staff. Ok lah, I think it did manage to scare all those unhappy Irda people. Good also. I am beginning to worry that my blog is turning into an Irda blog.
As for me wanting to popularise my blog, well, as I said, I had intended the Irda posting as a reminder for them to fix what little problems they have. It was an advice to them, actually. Nothing more than that.
If I really want to be popular I would not have waited this long before I started posting about Irda Or I can post insidious pictures like this -

Ok, please don't push me to do such nonsense.
If your staff are unhappy, I think it is better to let them vent their anger and frustrations here rather than feeding info to the Pakatan people. Info such as funny distribution of contracts and other even more damaging stuff. Mine is just a small insignificant anonymous blog what. Why worry eh?