Pre-dawn rambling - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Pre-dawn rambling

Fallen asleep early and now woken up too early. 3.23am now.

Solat tahadjjud...

Trying to go back to sleep, but cannot. Eyes just can't close. So, thought I write some nonsense here. Anyone want to read, can. Don't want to read also, never mind.

This crazy netbook harr...once written, cannot edit one. Have to start all over again if I want to. Don't know why lah. Really need to get a proper laptop. The other day some Umno guy who know who I'm offered to buy me one, but I told him I don't want. Don't want to be a corrupted Umno cybertrooper. The Umno guy laughed at me and said I'm a bit blur blur. Said I'm fighting on their side and there's nothing wrong gettting assistence from them. It's like going to war but refusing to take weapon from your friends on the same side. Have to admit he got a point. But still, I'm not comfortable with the idea of taking things from any side, eventhough I'm indeed pro-BN.

It's already April. Time flies. Just can't wait for the general election to be held and done with. I really need to move on after that. I love Johor but getting stuck in Johor is really causing me severe depression. Actually I wish I can go away tomorrow, but I'm giving myself till after the election. After that, by hook or by crook I will leave JB. I always wanted to go to Taiwan, study mandarin, learn to be a teacher, do a minor in journalism, etc etc...but most of all riding a bicycle and breathing the crisp spring air. Probably I'm too old to do all that, but still, it's nice to harm what... only I realised this netbook also now cannot post picture. Was trying to put picture of spring time in Taipei, but cannot. Last time can't post video, now picture also cannot. So, this posting going to be just bland. If I want to put pictures and video, I have to do it at cybercafe lah. So troublesome.

Eh, enough lah...I'm feeling sleepy again. Rambling rambling, got no point this one. I better take a nap before Suboh time....sorry for the bad grammar...cannot edit English is really getting worse these days...well, I don't care much for the English, so why should I care about speaking their language properly liao...hehehehe


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