Sunny afternoon ... - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update

Sunny afternoon ...

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                                                                                                flats: primark,
                                                                                                pants: bershka,
                                                                                                t-shirt: stradivarius,
                                                                                                jacket: zara,
                                                                                                bag: parfois,
                                                                                                hat: h&m,
                                                                                                necklace: accessorize,
                                                                                                bracelets: ringeraja, accessorize,
                                                                                                ring: Lovely,
                                                                                                watch: michael kors,
                                                                                                ph. Jana

Lazy afternoon with a good old friend and raspberry biscuit cake, couldn't ask for more! ;) Sweatpants mixed with ballet flats, hat and a little bit of jewelry, easy and comfy, perfect to lean back and soak up the sun. ;)

p.s. don't forget to enter the Romwe giveaway Here!

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