Bitching again about irritating BN people - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Bitching again about irritating BN people

Sometimes it's hard for me to understand why so many BN people find it difficult to realize that the coming general election is a do or die mission for the coalition.

Not being a member of any BN component party, I often observe how BN people still behave as if things are still the way they were back before the disastrous 2008 election.

Many were still very much engrossed with petty internal squabbles, and spend much time and energy jockeying for positions in the hope of furthering their own personal vested interests.

Don't they realise that if BN falls they will lose everything and that this country will be no more what it used to be? Have they not learned any lesson from the losses of 2008?

The Pakatan people may say that the country will be better if they take over, but despite my intense dislike of many BN people, I still believe that Pakatan are much worse and if they were to be given the power, will tear this country apart. BN, despite some unsavoury characters within it, has proven itself capable of steering Malaysia to the right path over the years. Yes, it was not perfect, but I don't think we are doing too badly considering our complicated multi-racial, multi-religion and other multi-this and that society. It's just a matter of improving the system, instead of replacing it with some other dubious set-up.

Back to those distasteful BN characters, I think DS Najib Razak really need to do something to get rid of them. Not only they cause disruptions within their party but they also cause people to loath BN. Worse of all, they cause people who sincerely want to fight for BN to give up in disgust.

I had many encounters with these sorts of BN people. Arrogant for no reason, think so highly of themselves, demanding for things which were not theirs etc. They sometimes made me wonder what am I doing supporting BN.

The only thing which help makes me want to continue on this path is the presence of the good BN leaders whom I have the privilage to know quite closely. My favorite was of course Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman whom I found to be a decent and proper man.

Ghani's political enemies had tried to cast doubts about him, accusing him of all sorts of things. I tried my best to check them out but could not find anything rotten. It would be sad to see him going on his retirement after the next general election. Hopefully there will be more good leaders among BN people so that people not subscribing to any political party like me find it appealing to side with BN instead of being put off

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