A lesson from an ultra Cinaman - Fashion Dress in The Present
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A lesson from an ultra Cinaman

Just reached my sister's place from office. Very very tired. It's just past 1am. This is actually a normal routine for me. Really need to quit this job soon. It's so tiring and the pay is simply lousy. Working environment also teruk with colleagues from hell some more. Keep telling myself need to hang on until after the election....then off I go....maybe to Taiwan...as I always dream.

Not planning to write much tonight. I simply have no energy. This weekend I really need to shut down everything. Going to sleep sleep sleep.

Ok, just realised  that the ultra-Chinaman shuzheng had written something about one of my postings here -

林冠英黃碧虹双(第二) Christianization, PAP & Betty’s Hubby

Since I'm so tired and need to rest, for this weekend, I leave you all to explore what that chinaman wrote.

The guy is actually not so bad, except when he got too preoccupied with his Chinessness and picking up fights with almost everybody.

Ok lah. See you all again on Monday. Take care and have a good weekend.

p.s That picture is just for decoration. I was told that shuzheng is actually quite an ugly Cina bukit man. Don't know lah, that's what my sources told me.


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