Jahabar's naughty Johor story - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Sunday, 16 March

Jahabar's naughty Johor story

My dear old friend Jahabar of Malaysian Insider tried to be funny today.

 He came up with a story quoting sources on how Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman tried to cling on to his post by engineering the replacement of the State Umno Youth chief. Jahabar being the smart guy that he is even tied up the nonsense to the Sultan of Johor's plate number issue for extra umph to the story. That bit was obviously to tell readers that everything is not well between Ghani and the sultan.

Well my friend, that's quite a nice try. I know you and the Malaysiakini gang are finding it difficult to get at Ghani, so, you all have to come out with these sorts of stories. Naughty boy la you Jahabar.

Never mind, I understand. You are just doing your job for your political masters. In this case by trying to sow discord within Johor Umno and sabotaging the relation between the BN-led State government and the palace.
Ok, first of all, if Ghani wants to hang on to the MB post, why need he goes around removing that youth chief. Does it help him in any way to do that? Nope isn't it. As was reported, the decision was made by KJ as the Umno youth chief. Anyway, the State Umno youth chief holds no clout in Johor Umno politics. Ghani would have done better to "buttress" his position by building a clique of division chiefs as support around him. But Ghani never does such thing. That's because he does not want factionalism to take root in Johor, something which tears apart Umno in other States.

Secondly, if Ghani wants so much to stays on as MB, why la he went and kacau the Youth chief who is such an ardent supporter of the sultan. By right he should be promoting him instead so that he can be in the sultan's good book. Ghani should also had lead the whole State Umno and government to the rally supporting the sultan so that the sultan would love him and support his bid to cling on to his MB post. But Ghani didn't do such thing isn't he? Instead he decided to protect the Sultan of Johor by minimising the risk of that rally from being turned political thus preserving the sultan as being neutral.

See, Ghani could do himself well by turning into an opportunist politician. But he didn't isn't he? So, those who want him to go after the election should be comforted as Ghani's position is no better than it was, let's say 16 years ago (when he became MB).

Well my friend Jahabar, don't simply simply trust those monkey sources of yours. I did some checking and its most likely that you got that info from Muar...or is it Pulai. Cannot be trusted la those clowns, bro. One more thing, sorry la I can't link your funny story here because of my uselessly faulty netbook. I hope you dont mind. Cheers :-)

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