I'm taking things easy today.
Hopefully the weather continues to be good. Planning to go to the beach and lepak there. Been quite a while...
Trying not to get stressed out on such a lovely day. Was actually tempted to write about the Big Anwar's Sept 16 Lie, but too tiring lah. Anyway, I think so many others had written about it today. If you are still interested to read about it , this is a good one -
Actually, I think Malaysians, as a whole, are rather a kind bunch of people. I mean there are more good Malaysians rather than the bad ones.
Unfortunately, the bad ones are the ones who always got highlighted. That's why it seems that the whole country is bad.
The good Malaysians normally just don't really care about the political nonsense. They just go along with the rest. Probably they are too comforted with what they have. Malaysia is after all a country of plenty, so why all the fuss, eh?
Honestly, I think most of us treat politics at the same level as the EPL. It's just a fun football game. I cheer that team, you cheer this team. Something like that. Most of us don't really think too far about the consequences of our support for a political party. Most of us just do it for fun, actually. Those who attended those rallies which most of the time went violent, are they any different from those football fans? I don't think so.
Hopefully the weather continues to be good. Planning to go to the beach and lepak there. Been quite a while...
Trying not to get stressed out on such a lovely day. Was actually tempted to write about the Big Anwar's Sept 16 Lie, but too tiring lah. Anyway, I think so many others had written about it today. If you are still interested to read about it , this is a good one -
Malaysia Day and Anwar Ibrahim's Sabah
Actually, I think Malaysians, as a whole, are rather a kind bunch of people. I mean there are more good Malaysians rather than the bad ones.
Unfortunately, the bad ones are the ones who always got highlighted. That's why it seems that the whole country is bad.
The good Malaysians normally just don't really care about the political nonsense. They just go along with the rest. Probably they are too comforted with what they have. Malaysia is after all a country of plenty, so why all the fuss, eh?
Honestly, I think most of us treat politics at the same level as the EPL. It's just a fun football game. I cheer that team, you cheer this team. Something like that. Most of us don't really think too far about the consequences of our support for a political party. Most of us just do it for fun, actually. Those who attended those rallies which most of the time went violent, are they any different from those football fans? I don't think so.
It doesn't really got anything to do with ideology, ok? Just fun and adrenaline rush for them. Those punks, who behave like drunk monkeys at the Bersih riots, do you think they ever read anything of substance? Do you think they are of any difference than all those football hooligans? I don't think so.
Ask them what is an ideology and I can bet, that nine out of ten can't answer properly. Come on la, Anwar Ibrahim got ideology meh?
Most of our politicians are mere opportunists to me, ok?
Yes, those includes the ones in BN. So many leeches there. PM DS Najib Razak need to do a major overhaul once he got the mandate after the general election. If not, sure BN will koyak one.
The way I see it, it's Najib last chance to set things right within the BN rank....especially Umno. He need to get rid of all those selfish ones who uses their position for personal gains and self enrichment. These cancerous cells within the party are more dangerous than all those Pakatan crooks out there. They need to be cut off completely, no matter how painful it's going to be.
Ok Datuk Najib, I believe in you, so you better do it, ok? Please don't let us be ruled by those Pakatan hypocrites who are worse than you all BN people.