Battle for the Chinese schools - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Friday, 14 March

Battle for the Chinese schools

It should now be even more clear for everyone why the leaders of Dong Zong want to have that rally in front of Parliament on Sept 26.

Those who have not read this NST report today should do so now

'Dong Zong leaders abusing power'

And the latest that I heard is that the Chinese educationists opposing the current Dong Zong leadership are to organize their own rally as a counter-protest if  Yap Sin Tian and the gang are to proceed with the one in Parliament.

So, it's going to be the real Chinese educationists who are fighting for the survival of the Chinese education system in this country, backed by the traditional Chinese community, against those who also claim to be Chinese educationists, but with vested self-interests who are fighting for their own survival via control over Chinese school boards, backed by mostly banana-type Chinese-born anglophiles. (...that's a bit too long one....well, never mind )

Now, that the battle line had been drawn, it's up for members of the Chinese community to choose which side should win this one.

This is actually going to be the real battleground between DAP and MCA before the general election.

Whom ever win this fight, will win the Chinese community's support.

As per the NST report, DAP vice-chairman Tan Kok Wai was quoted as saying that the party will back Yap Sin Tian and gang. He said DAP will support the Dong Zong-initiated rally at the Parliament as they were, according to Tan, "fighting for a genuine cause".

Tan was the one who had led more than 1,000 DAP members at the other Dong Zong rally in Kajang on March 25 where deputy education minister Wee Ka Siong was abused by a rowdy crowd, suspected to be part of Tan's followers.
This was expected, as DAP are currently trying to milk the perceived unhappinese of the Chinese community towards the government. If they have their way, they would want the whole Chinese community to be supporting their cause. They are definitely out to kill MCA once and for all in the coming general election.

But the resistance by a faction of Chinese educationists who are against the DAP's exploitation of Dong Zong shows that the Chinese community are beginning to be aware of the bigger agenda being played by DAP and not all of them are willing to be part of it.
They are weary of the anglophile elements within DAP who are not sincere in supporting the Chinese education system in this country and only do so for the mere sake of winning the votes of the traditional Chinese.

What PAP, the father of DAP did to the Chinese schools in Singapore will never be forgotten. They closed down the whole thing and over the years turned the whole island full of Chinese into a whole island full of banana who worshipped the gwailo like nobody's business. 

Of course now they are trying to tune themselves back into Chinese, ever since China's economy speeds ahead and will soon overtakes the US. My take on them - Bloody shameless no backbone bunch of kiasu....betrayed your own cultural heritage, and now suddenly wants it back just because it means more money. No wonder the Chinese government prefer to trust the Malaysian government despite it being led by mostly ethnic Malays.

Well, now DAP wants to claim itself the champions of Chinese education in this country by backing that conman with fake doctorate Yap Sin Tian? What, a joke lah.

Eh, tell me lah, what DAP had ever done over the years when the Chinese independent schools were struggling to survive and their students had to go around selling those "golden bricks" from door to door, so that their school could have some money? 

If there are any MCA people among the readers of this blog, please tell us what your party had instead done for the Chinese schools from those days till now. Don't be shy. You all had been accused of being the traitors of your race by the DAP people, so nothing much to lose, what? Just tell lah, ok?

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