Just got home from work.
Went about doing the necessary and now lying down in front of this computer contemplating whether to write some serious political stuff or just one of my fluffs for fun.
Fluff is better actually :-)
Too tired anyway to write something serious tonight.
Anyway, maybe can give some time off to my usual DAP cybertrooper critiques. hehehehe....take it easy guys
Ok, the other day my Chinaman bought me something nice - Korean facial masks
There were four types
- seaweed
- pomegranate
- syn-ake & egf
- snail moisture essence
Well, actually, I never use such beauty products, which are sorts of a bit too expensive for me.
Not really sure why he was so concerned about my face now....
Maybe he gave me these stuff because my face looks very worn out already.... or maybe he just miss that stunning Singaporean beauty he used to date, and want me to look like her also....hahaha...fat chance la....I'll never be more than just a scruffy looking Malay girl.... take it or leave it :-)
Anyway, I'll give these facial masks a try anyway....nanti tak pakai merajuk pulak....nothing more ugly than a merajuk Chinaman la.
Went about doing the necessary and now lying down in front of this computer contemplating whether to write some serious political stuff or just one of my fluffs for fun.
Fluff is better actually :-)
Too tired anyway to write something serious tonight.
Anyway, maybe can give some time off to my usual DAP cybertrooper critiques. hehehehe....take it easy guys
Ok, the other day my Chinaman bought me something nice - Korean facial masks
There were four types
- seaweed
- pomegranate
- syn-ake & egf
- snail moisture essence
Well, actually, I never use such beauty products, which are sorts of a bit too expensive for me.
Not really sure why he was so concerned about my face now....
Maybe he gave me these stuff because my face looks very worn out already.... or maybe he just miss that stunning Singaporean beauty he used to date, and want me to look like her also....hahaha...fat chance la....I'll never be more than just a scruffy looking Malay girl.... take it or leave it :-)
Anyway, I'll give these facial masks a try anyway....nanti tak pakai merajuk pulak....nothing more ugly than a merajuk Chinaman la.
Eh, I actually want to write more....about a new book I just bought that day, but the Celcom broadband line at my place tonight has been very erratic. Very frustrating. Putus-putus. It takes me almost two hours just to write these simple fluff of mine at this point. Really la Celcom people, you all need to buck up. I am a loyal customer of almost 13 years, you know....I was always under the impression that Celcom's coverage is better than lets say Digi. But if this line continues to be like this, I may just switch to Digi one of these days. At least it's cheaper. Oh, and that answering machine Celcom uses to answer the calls of its customers in difficulties is very irritating and made me really lose patient.
Celcom, please arrr, don't be arrogant and treat your customers with disdain. Learn from, let say Proton. Can or not?
NOTE: I had written the nonsense above last night and was about to attach a picture somewhere in the middle when the internet line was totally cut off. That was when I gave up and went to sleep. Btw, I paid my bills to Celcom just the previous day, ok? Now I have to curi curi using the wi-fi in the office to post this.
Well, never mind lah, cheers everyone.
Celcom, please arrr, don't be arrogant and treat your customers with disdain. Learn from, let say Proton. Can or not?
NOTE: I had written the nonsense above last night and was about to attach a picture somewhere in the middle when the internet line was totally cut off. That was when I gave up and went to sleep. Btw, I paid my bills to Celcom just the previous day, ok? Now I have to curi curi using the wi-fi in the office to post this.
Well, never mind lah, cheers everyone.