You can read it at Helen Ang's Dong Zong’s 926 Save Chinese Education campaign
Of course the rally is not really about saving the Chinese education system. It's about the exploitation of the Chinese community's sentiments for the benefit of individuals. I had wrote about it here -
The selfish Chinaman at it again
This is the kind of thing that DAP supports. Flexing of the muscles by the Chinese, so that they can galvanise more votes from the community.
The formula is simple -
1. Get the Chinese angry
2. Tell them the Malays are suppressing them
3. Raise a sensitive issue such as the Chinese school
4. Tell them the BN (read Umno = read Malays) are trying to destroy the Chinese education system
5. Tell them MCA are lackeys of Umno and need to be wiped out
6. Get all the Chinese votes
Not that difficult, isn't it?
What they are not telling the Chinese is that for whatever action, there will be a reaction. In this case, playing the racial card could have dire consequences. The Malays, especially those of the extreme right wing will see this rally for its racial angle, which is exactly the angle taken by Dong Zong and DAP. They will see it as a chance for them to galvanise support of their own. The end result is for anyone's sincere imagination to conclude.
Does it really matter to DAP what will happened after that? I don't think so. All that matter to them is getting as many Chinese votes as possible. Their hypocrisy of claiming themselves a multi-racial party while supporting a clearly racist rhetoric's of Dong Zong which wants all non-Chinese speaking teachers (read Malays) out of the Chinese schools is simply disgusting.
What the Education Minister said here doesn't matter to them -
The silence of the Malays of PKR and Pas on this matter is equally reprehensible. Try asking them what they think of the Dong Zong-DAP racists demands and I predict that the answer would be - oh, that's a Chinese thing, we got nothing to do with it, it's between DAP and MCA to settle. Real khinzir punya answer. They wouldn't care a crap that the racial cracks between the Malays and Chinese will be widen by the whole thing. All that matter to them is winning the election. The less Chinese votes for Umno, the better. It doesn't matter to them if the Chinese votes going to DAP were because the Chinese were being incited to think that Umno (read Malays) are going to destroy the Chinese education system.
But of course, the Malays of Pas and PKR are not making much fuss over it. They, especially Pas are of the opinion that it's Umno that needs to be defeated first. The Chinese and their stupid schools could be dealt with later. The reasoning on how they are going to deal with the Chinese question in this situation is the same as in the hudud issue - get the power first, then get the overwhelming majority of the Malay Muslims, then get the rest that they want. That is actually their final solution to everything.
I imagine that the end result, if all these happened, would be simply ugly.
Honestly, can you all see the outcome turned out any other way?