As I had stressed in my previous postings, not everyone supporting the existence of Chinese schools in this country are Chinese racial extremists.
In fact, many were uncomfortable, or even worried when the issue of Chinese education turned political when Dong Zong, under the leadership of that insidious character Yap Sin Tian roped in the backing of DAP during their rally in Kajang in March.
DAP, which is trying to monopolize the Chinese vote bank had immediately jumped in support of Yap, whose motives were said to be more personal rather than actually fighting for the betterment of Chinese education. See the article by Joceline Tan again -
Yap, Wee on a collision courseProbably, due to the rather successful rally in Kajang where MCA's deputy education minister Wee Ka Siong was roughened up, Yap has this time wanted to have a rally in front of Parliament on Sept 26. |

His stated motive was to force the resignation of Wee for his alleged failure to fullfill the wishes of Chinese educationists. . |
I however believe, his real motive is simply to be on the spot light again, so that the Chinese community would regard him as a hero. That is, so that he can keep his position, as contented by Joceline. He is, to me, just a conman. Remember his faked doctorates? This was my take on it -
Muhyiddin on Chinese schools
Dr Yap's cap ayam doctorates and the smart DAP (UPDATED)
Yap probably feels that he can get away with anything if he plead or threaten a case on a Chinese platform as the government currently is being perceived as willing to bend any other way to please the Chinese for the sake of their votes for the coming election. And that he can count on DAP's backing against the government. But not all Chinese are buying into Yap's racialists posturing. This is The Star's report today - |
Five Chinese primary schools against 'divisive' Sept 26 rally |
They realize the danger posed by Yap and his DAP supporters, who are actually posing themselves as champion of Chinese education simply to gain short-term political power for themselves. They realize that the Chinese community will lose out in the long run if these selfish people are to be the ones leading them to a more racially polarized Malaysia. For the Chinese who doubt the current government's sincerity on the Chinese education issue, here is a statement from the BN leader, who the DAP cybertroopers are touting as the number one Malay racist in the government - |