5th Ave - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update

5th Ave

Wearing: PinkyYotto Jacket - Similar | BikBok Denim - Similar | Commando Tights | Topshop Booties | RayBan Sunnies

I have the coolest story to tell you guys. So yesterday, I was sorting through curated vintage items and trying them on at the Reformation. While wearing this crazy coat, I reached into the pocket (to pose for a pic of course) and ended up finding something amazing... a Back To The Future movie ticket from 1989! There were two tickets in mint condition, not to mention the cost of a movie then was $3.50. So wild, I couldn't believe it. This is just one of the reasons I love vintage so much - I can't even imagine the story behind the person wearing that crazy cool jacket and going to see the movie in it. Here it is:

In other news: about my hair, I went to Arrojo the other day and vamped up my ombre a little to get a more dramatic look. I'm actually thinking of going dark this winter, which a oxblood ombre since it is the "it" color this season. Hopefully I'll be daring enough to go through with it. Always love a drastic change!

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