DIY: COLD SHOULDER SHIRT.....LOVE!!!! - Fashion Dress in The Present
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WHAT YOU NEED: 1) Button up skirt, 2) Plain paper, 3) Pen, 4) Scissors, 5) Thread and needle
1) Draw a good sized oval shape. Free-hand or measured........your choice
2) Cut out the oval shape.
3) Lay out our shirt onto the surface. Then place the oval cut-out on to the shirt right on the shoulder. Use  the oval shape as a stencil and draw on the shirt to mark where you will cut. Be sure to only draw half of the oval stencil. Repeat the same on the other shoulder.
4) Cut out both sides.
5) Begin to hem the cut shoulders to create a clean cut look.
6) There we go. ENJOY. MWAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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