Big Red Beanie - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update

Big Red Beanie

Wearing: Sandro Leather Jacket - Similar | Marc by Marc Jacobs Vest | Work Custom Pants | Urban Outfitters Beanie | Topshop Boots | Calvin Klein Gloves | Zara Bag

Is it just me or did this weekend (or even past week) seem like NYC was literally put on "pause" for a few days. Everything was just so quiet, empty, and dark. I've never been so grateful for lights and crowded streets - the mindset of a true New Yorker. The other day I was checking out ASOS's newest campaign with muse Charlotte Free. I wanted to share something I heard her say because for some reason it really stuck out to me. She was discussing fashion and said, "its the last art form that has so many possibilities.. everything's been painted, everything's been sculpted, but fashion.. you can really make anything of yourself." Some people will never understand why we love fashion so much, and don't see it as an art-form like I do.

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