NHK Trophy 2012 Costume Finale: Get 'Em Cowgirl, Geisha Chic and Mod Fab
Top Three Ice Dance: (left to right) Silver medalists Nikita Katsalapov and Elena Ilinykh of Russia, Gold Medalists Meryl Davis and Charlie White of USA and Bronze Medalists Maia Shibutani and Alex Shibutani of USA, ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating NHK Trophy 2012, Sekisui Heim Super Arena Rifu, Japan
Finishing my reviews of the NHK Trophy 2012, you can read my "two cents" on the Ladies HERE, the Men HERE, and the Pairs's time for the always fantastic, never dissapointing colorful and a little over-the-top ICE DANCE costumes. First...
I think I just DIED and went to Figure Skating Costume HEAVEN:
Nicole Orford and Thomas Williams of Canada: For their Short Dance to "Sold" by John Michael Montgomery and "Tennesse Waltz" by Anne Murray. How. In the Name of the Figure Skating Costume Gods. Did I miss these throughout all my Costume Recaps this 2012-2013 Grand Prix season???? One look at these costumes, and I wanted to jump onto the ice and do the two-step and eat some hot & spicy chicken wings with them! All at the same time! Seriously.
Whoever designed these, please tell me so I can give you credit here on my blog! I demand it. Because they are fantastic. I love Thomas' red Western shirt, jeans, Western belt...he looks like the King of the Rodeo! And Nicole looks AMAZEEENG in her blue denim-like laced-up bustier and the double-tiered skirt. But can I tell you my favorite part (and I think you know by now):
Her Cowgirl Skate Boot Covers Y'all !!!I want a pair...for the next time I hit my local ice rink!
For their Free Dance, Orford and Williams toned it down and went more elegant, less "Fun Time at the O.K. Corral". Here the music, naturally, dictated their more conservative classic looks. They skated to "High Society Overture" and "Now You Have Jazz" by Bing Cosby and Louis Armstrong. I liked her apple green charmeuse halter-neck costume. It was pretty, delicate and appropriate for the music. And Thomas looked like a dapper gentleman who would be dancing with such a pretty girl. His cravat and jacquard-like vest look right.
Yu Xiaoyang and Wang Chen of China: The Country & Western theme must have been "in the water" for these Ice Dancers, because it wasn't only Canada who got bit by the Line Dancin' Bug. For their Short Dance, this Chinese Pair skated to "Oh Susanna" and "Twilight Waltz" by Johnny Gimble. These costumes were colorful--sassy and combined all the right elements for the music. Notice how they brought the red color of her notched-collar costume into his ensemble by giving him a red hankie. Smart. And yes kids, you do notice that there was "mini fringe" in her hem. Of course.

Penny Coomes/ Nicholas Buckland of Great Britain: For their Free Dance to "Basement Jaxx vs Metropol Orkest". On a positive note: I do like the colors on her costume; the bright pink and purple, combined with the black background, make for a great contrast. And I do appreciate how the purple was brought back to his gray plaid vest in the welt pockets. However, she looks like an extra in the Eurovision-like "Nutcracker" ballet segment of the "Waltz of the Flowers". It's a bit of a mess, unfortunately.
Elena Ilinykh and Nikita Katsalapov of Russia: I discussed these costumes that Ilinykh and Katasalapov wore for their Short Dance to "Andijan Polka" HERE. They were one of my FAVORITE Ice Dance Costume looks for this season. The colors, the print, her headband, his navy and gold-trimmed coat...all Costume FANTASTIC!
Cathy Reed and Chris Reed of Japan: Michigan, US-born half-Japanese brother-and-sister Ice Dance team of Reed and Reed (who represent Japan) skated their Short Dance to "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" wearing these costumes above. The bright pink and shiny fabric of her dress was a bit much, but the overall theme was appropriate for the musical. Well done kids!
For their Free Dance to Selections from "The Beatles", they went pop-art 60's Mod (well, she did!). Again, I really liked these looks. The color-blocked dress on Cathy was very on-trend with 2012 yet seem perfect for the music and ice dance. And notice, kids, how his tie had the SAME colors as her dress. If there was any critique, it's that the costume designer sacrificed him for her "outlandishness" by slapping a white dress shirt and black pants on him. But, I forgive 'em.
Maia Shibutani and Alex Shibutani of USA: I talked about these great costumes worn by brother-and-sister Ice Dance team of Shinbutani and Shibutani HERE. They skated their Free Dance to John Williams' "Memoirs of a Geisha" and I thought they were PERFECT.
Meryl Davis and Charlie White of USA: I wrote about these fun costumes HERE in case you might have missed it. For their "Yankee Polka" Short Dance to "Giselle", Meryl and Charlie looked great--and more importantly,
appropriate for the music. She was very "St. Pauli Girl" and maybe that's why I loved it! She would make Heidi Klum proud!