Brooklyn Shares - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update

Brooklyn Shares

Wearing: Reformation Sweatshirt - Similar | F21 Pants | Jennifer Zeuner SnakeBar, Nameplate Necklaces | Leather Cap | Acne Boots | Carrera Sunnies 

Yesterday I did the unthinkable (kidding, sort of) and traveled into Brooklyn to visit my favorite vintage factory, Nifty Thrifty. I used my credits - which is all thanks to you guys for signing up (here) - and picked up some pretty great pieces including a Penny Lane like coat and an awesome plaid blazer. Can't wait to share them with you... Speaking of sharing, a few of my friends have been raving about how great Forever21 has been lately, so the other day I checked it out myself. These floral pants and a printed bomber jacket later, I concur. You never know where you'll find great clothes guys (one of my fashion mottos). 

BTW: a bunch of you have been commenting about how cold I must be, and you're absolutely right. Just so ya know, I've been wearing a fur/down jacket every single day. I've simply been throwing it off for a quick outfit shot (because obviously what's under is more important). So you're welcome, for freezing my ass off for a little bit everyday in the name of fashion haha. 

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