Céline Me Alone - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update

Céline Me Alone

Wearing: Céline Tee | Zara Blazer - Similar | Reformation Pants - Similar | Topshop Shoes | Vanessa Mooney Rings 

Today is the start of a bitter cold week, which even though means my boyfriend can't complain about me wearing faux fur, simply sucks. I took these pics last week when the weather seemed like the start of Spring - and now with a total 360, it's below 20 degrees - you're so weird mother nature. Anyways, I had a very intimate conversation with a few friends the other day over what we're going to do in the summer (in regards to head dressing). I've been wearing beanies almost everyday this season and have gotten way too used to them. So slowly but surely I'll start to let my locks naturally flow (to get over my beanie addiction) before the warm weather hits again. 

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