Three wise women once said "I'm a survivor. I'm gonna make it. I will survive. Keep on survivin." Still don't know? They just sort of performed at the Superbowl... {cough Destiny's Child cough}. To survive the most stressful yet exciting time of the year in the fashion world, a few things are of crucial importance. First and probably most imperative, the bag. In my case - it's the 3.1 Phillip Lim Satchel I bought myself a few weeks ago. This will change throughout the week so an eye popping clutch and so on, but you know what I mean. What would fashion week be without a leather baseball cap (this one's from ASOS), crossing my fingers everyone else leaves theres at home. A pair of classic but oh-so-cool pumps (Alexander Wang) and then sneakers (Lanvin) for when you get blisters (guaranteed) and are running in-between shows. Long days lead to oily faces, no ones perfect guys - bring in the oil absorbing sheets. Why Perrier you may ask? Because water just doesn't cut it when your in need of a good ole thirst quencher. Though now that I think of it, there's always a beverage sponsor at Lincoln Center so maybe I'll leave this one at home. I don't even want to think about the number of people I'll be bumping into and saying hi to at the shows, so clean smelling breath is a must...hello new best friend (Take 5 gum). Karen Walker sunnies, duh. Camera, double duh. Bright red Tibi suit, hell yes (I'll be wearing this to the Tibi show). Good luck to all, mainly me.
Fashion Week Survival
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