As You Wish - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update
Friday, 14 March

As You Wish

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Wish Dress, Lovisa Rings, Mimco Purse, Ray-Ban Glasses, Diavolina Boots, Marc Jacobs Guitar Watch (sadly falling apart after 6+ years!)

I have to confess I formerly spent most nights at gigs, jumping around to friends bands, whipping my hair around, lining my eyes with kohl, wearing fingerless leather gloves, etc etc... sometimes I miss that, and said friends bands. It has been too long. Although I now seem to find myself busy doing other things with my weeknights, that rock attitude is ever present, mostly in my wardrobe and on my iPod. 
When Wish sent out their lookbook to select a look to style for the Spring Summer 2014 Wish Style Challenge, this black, gold embroidered dress grabbed my eye instantly. With it's short hem line, soft cotton fabric and unique embroidered pattern, I knew that it was just rock and roll enough for me. 

To shoot this look, I wanted to capture a bit of that rock attitude, as well as honour 'The Castaway' harbour side theme influencing the Wish 2014 collection. Cue clouded skies, boats, the turquoise ocean, sunset and gelato. The light changed so much while we shot, but I actually like that it shows how easily this black dress goes from day to night. I mean, a black dress screams night- but to shake it up, and move away from the obvious choice of white for day time, black for night works for me. 
Make your own rules I say. 
That and rock on, lovers!

Photographs by Mario Recchia.
xx Jenelle
Instagram @jenellewitty

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