Beauty Road Test: Alison Jade Cosmetics - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Beauty Road Test: Alison Jade Cosmetics

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Last week at the Alison Jade Summer 13 / 14 cosmetics launch I picked up one of her Xtreme lipsticks in a bold pink. As a fan of bright red and orange lipsticks I wanted to mix it up for summer and give this a try. The results are just rock and roll enough for my tastes. Pink can feel a little girly, but in a bright hue like this it's rockin in a Gwen Stefani and Blondie kind of way. Fitting that she named this lip colour 'Superstar'. 

I wore the lipstick last week, putting it on at about 10am, then heading out to various meetings and later working on the Up Late Mt Hawthorn event. At around 7pm a couple of friends dropped by to say hello backstage (while I was taping the models shoes) and asked what my lipstick was. I hadn't had time to look in the mirror, let alone touch up my lips all day (despite having eaten) so was really surprised it had stayed on. I can definitely vouch that this is a stay on all day lipstick, which doesn't bleed. It is a matte, so conditioning the lips before applying (not right before- at least ten minutes so the conditioner has time to dry, otherwise any lip colour will feather) is a good idea. The good thing about a matte lip is how strong it is- but you can always add a gloss to the centre of each lip if you want to tone it down. I think since I have such a thin upper lip, I gravitate toward a bold colour to open up my face. I also find that it photographs well and is a good pick me up if you are heading out but feeling tired. I also like to think that it draws some attention away from the bags under my eyes which I have had since birth. :) (It's a quirk- embrace it!).

The Alison Jade lipsticks are available online here. The Xtreme Lipsticks are only $30 each and come in an orange, a lighter pink, and various shades of red. In these pictures I was also wearing the Alison Jade Illuminating Lotion (in Paradise) which is $48.00. I have just added it to the outside of my eye area, mainly following the bone line. I think it looks best in person, as it picks up the light and creates a nice glow. I hadn't really worn an illuminator before but the added glow is actually really pretty. 
PS. I shot these photos after I had run coconut oil into my hair as a treatment- hence the oily look. I try to do a coconut oil treatment once a week to keep it shiny and healthy. You can get an organic coconut oil from health food stores and some supermarkets. Next week I am actually going to the hairdresser (first time in over a year), which is quite exciting. Watch Instagram for that one!  
If you have any lipstick tips, I would love to hear them so please share them in the comments section below. 
xx Jenelle
Instagram @jenellewitty 

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