Distressed - Fashion Dress in The Present
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                                                                                              slip-ons: h&m,
                                                                                              jeans: zara,
                                                                                              t-shirt: mango,
                                                                                              jacket: zara,
                                                                                              bag: dkny,
                                                                                              watch: michael kors,
                                                                                              ring: parfois,
                                                                                              necklace: vintage,
                                                                                              sunglasses: ray ban,
                                                                                              ph. Masa

I spent lovely weekend with my sisters and aunt, and this is what I picked for a city stroll. Black slip-ons, distressed jeans, plain t-shirt and my favorite jacket so far. Simple and comfortable!
Hope you will like it!

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