Witchery Pullover, Chanel Brooch, Alice Mccall Shorts, Tristan Blair Boots, Amber Sceats Bangles and ring.
Another of my favourite places in Adelaide is the Botanical gardens and specifically the glasshouse and Cactus Garden. On this morning we were blessed with a very prominent sun, very welcome in Autumn. I am wearing clothes here that I had left behind in boxes, after I had gone through them and compiled a mass (aka five or six big boxes) of clothes to give away. Not having time to get in touch with anyone my size in Adelaide I left this pile for my Mum to distribute (thanks Mum!) - donate to the Op shop or to anyone she thinks might want them. My tastes had changed so much, that the bright, colourful and heavily patterned things didn't seem very 'me' anymore. So, someone out there is going to end up with brand new clothes from all sorts of designers (unworn D&G, Alice Mccall, Zimmermann etc). It feels good to let these go.
This week we got approved for a new place, so I will finally have a home of my own! No moving every three months! Yay! So now to find homewares, pack and move. Excuse me if I am absent for a few days. I have some cool projects coming up to share soon, so stick around.
Photos taken by Mario Recchia (edited by me).
xx Jenelle