Elegance Only dress in Blush c/o Popcherry (also in navy blue / black / white) / Kmart knee high boots (similar) / Colette Hayman necklace (similar) / 14k gold wrapped wire ring c/o nonComplex
You'd know well by now that I'm all about high-necks and loose fits, but something about this dress caught my eye on Popcherry while spending the coupon they kindly offered me. The store is jam-packed with plenty of alternatives from labels like Cameo, Keepsake and Finders Keepers, so if you don't have a pretty penny to splurge on them I highly recommend checking Popcherry out. The lovely people over there give you free express shipping within Australia and NZ while international shipping is available as well - and, I don't recall seeing a thing in their store over $50... just saying.
I think my friends will be happy to know that I'll be making more appearances this winter... especially since I'm now equipped with thick, long sleeves to guard me from hypothermia (and the fact that I've just finished all classes and assignments for my degree so I'm just excited to see humans).