After several visits to the osteopath, I still have a pain in my neck. It starts mid- shoulder and runs right up to just behind the left ear, and there's a funny clicking noise too. Inside my head, when I move, which is weird. Initially, I thought that this condition was down to a combination of stress and too much time spent at the computer - and then I read a feature in the Times about Text Neck (sorry can't link, it's behind the pay wall but there's another similar article here). Research in the Surgical Technology Journal has shown that constant leaning forward over a mobile phone puts a huge strain on the neck. When the head is tilted 60 degrees forward the spine feels five times the actual weight of the head - which makes it around about 60 pounds. I reckon this should be called Tech Neck because for me it's social networking (Twitter and Instagram) that causes the strain. And if that wasn't bad enough, too much hunching over a device can lead to premature ageing. The Saggy Text Neck, it's a thing. But don't worry, I'm working on the prototype for a roll neck with a built-in brace.