Sharing the Love - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update
Monday, 17 March

Sharing the Love

Photo: Tim Walker

Guess what…I've been Blog Spotted. Stopped on two separate occasions by That's Not My Age fans (That's Not My Agers?). Once in a very crowded south London bar/restaurant while fighting my way to the door; I was ranting about the benefits of staying in, when a beautiful, stylish woman grabbed my arm and shouted above the din, 'I LOVE your blog.' We didn't have chance to speak properly, so if you're reading this and we met at Brunswick House Café a few weeks ago, hello and thank you for following! And then, another gorgeous woman called Susan stopped me in Brixton and asked if I was That's Not My Age. We crossed the road together and had a quick chat, while the Blog Widower (with me on both occasions) tagged along, quite bemused. It's funny because although blogging is social networking, it feels quite isolated and I still feel like it's me on my own behind the dashboard. I am not one for pebble-dashing this site with pictures of myself so am largely surprised if someone recognizes me. I guess that's just the Power of the Internet.
Photo: Norman Parkinson

In October, I received a lovely email from one of my readers called Rosalyn:

'Thank you…you just made my day! I love all things fashion and creativity. Growing up my mother was a seamstress and I was surrounded by beautiful clothes that women brought into the house to have adjusted. We don't do much of that anymore.

I wanted to be a designer but life got in the way, and so here I am age 67 dusting off my dream life, even if it is only for myself. Reading your blog lifts me up and gives me inspiration. Thank you for the joy of having your wonderful blog. Love, love, love it!'

Working and blogging and writing a book has not been easy, there have been times when I've felt stretched to the limit, but wonderful moments like these really do keep me going. So, a very big thank you to all my followers for staying tuned and cheering me on. I am overwhelmed by the kindness of womankind.

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