anya, ysaunny, sophie, mona, andreea, karmen, jacquelyn, jac, ronja and matilda by matt jones for i-d winter 2014 - Fashion Dress in The Present
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anya, ysaunny, sophie, mona, andreea, karmen, jacquelyn, jac, ronja and matilda by matt jones for i-d winter 2014

models: anya lyagoshina (society), ysaunny brito (society), sophie touchet (society)
mona matsuoka (img), andreea diaconu (img), karmen pedaru (img)
jacquelyn jablonski (img), monika jagaciak (img), ronja furrer (img) and matilda lowther (women)
photographer: matt jones
stylist: havana laffitte (brydgesmackinney)
make-up: itsuki (bridge)

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