Good News Story - At Central.. - Fashion Dress in The Present

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News Update
Friday, 14 March

Good News Story - At Central..

Although I did not post anything about this on Street Fashion Sydney, and I probably should have.. I did put up the shot below on my Instagram and Facebook pages. A couple of weeks ago walking through the Devonshire Street (Sydney Rail Pedestrain (Train)) tunnel at Central which normally has a few buskers doing their thing; I found these notices instead!

Begging, Busking; Blah Blah Blah.. Not permitted.. By order Sydney Trains...
Well that was a real WTF moment for me. Like them or not they certainly add something to your walk down this long pedestrian tunnel and I for one think it's something good; even if I don't like the songs or pieces they are playing; I am glad they are there.

However a Good News Story I promised and a Good News Story you shall have. Tonight on my way to a show at X88 gallery by train and a short walk through the 'tunnel' while seeing no buskers I saw none of the (no) Begging Busking signs, they were ALL gone! I did however see this post-it note which I don't think I would have seen if I was not looking for the nasty no-no signs. #CHOOSEHOPESYDNEY

And then after seeing POSTAL by Stuart Silcox at X88. On my way back through the 'Tunnel' I saw this dude, Marc White playing guitar in the tunnel! All I can say is I was very pleased. And after a small contribution I was able to get this shot. Closer to Devonshire Street exit there was a flautist playing classical pieces. Perfect!

Awesome! #ChooseHopeSydney #GoodNewStory :-)
Lets keep the music!

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