I saw Jimmy Barnes at China Heights! - Fashion Dress in The Present

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News Update
Thursday, 13 March

I saw Jimmy Barnes at China Heights!

No that was not the name of the exhibition; I did see Jimmy Barnes at China Heights gallery last night. He was there as were a lot of other people for Jesse Lizotte's LOWRIDER photography exhibition of Mexican Gangster portraits and Lowrider car portraits too. And there was a magazine launch in gallery 2 (or next door) called Awake and no it was not a Seventh Day Adventist magazine launch! I don't think they would have liked the crowd at all; but as usual I loved it and here are the shots including a portrait I took of Jessie in the melee of it all. Where's Barnsie? You just need to look closely, he is definitely in there somewhere..
Portrait of Jesse Lizottes at China Heights gallery for  LOWRIDER.
Jesse Lizottes at China Heights gallery for LOWRIDER.
Girls in winter, wet weather jackets and coats, China Heights.
Friends of Jesse - Cwod and woman giving peace sign under gallery show name and description board.
Studded denim jacket, black jeans and Prada satchel.
Jimmy Branes at Jesse Lizottes LOWRIDER photography exhibition, China Heights gallery.
Where's Barnsey?

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