I bought my very first Louis Vuitton handbag not too long ago, when I was traveling to the South of France in the Summer of 2013. It was a really big deal at the time since it was one of the very first high-end luxury piece I was able to purchase for myself with money I had earn myself from the content I was curating via PBTH. Whenever I get to expand my collection of luxe accessories these days, it still represents something of course, but I'll never be able to recreate this feeling of greatest pride and empowerment I experienced that day in Nice. It's about making things happen for yourself and believing in the relevance of your work, even when at times, nobody else does !
Louis Vuitton recently celebrated the Neverfull with a new version of the iconic bag; a fully redesigned interior featuring a fresh textile lining and heritage details inspired by House archives. Truly a nice update on the timeless Monogram canvas which in my opinion, can be one of the biggest challenges a high-end Fashion House may encounter. The art of renewing iconic. It takes a vision ! On the other hand, it doesn't matter how preciously expensive and worthy I find my Neverfull to be, it has proven itself to cater to so many aspects of my life and has become an essential in my day-to-day wardrobe therefore, a satisfyingly genius investment.
It can, in fact, take me from school (past tense!) to a lunch meeting, to the airport, to a business launch, to the sporting club, to a friend's birthday. Through a sunny day spent down South Miami, strolling on Hispañola Way, paired with a clever combination of high and low athleisure-esque garments. Really, any occasion is good to take my chic tote for a ride and luckily for me, it looks like it might be highly reciprocated ;)
Louis Vuitton recently celebrated the Neverfull with a new version of the iconic bag; a fully redesigned interior featuring a fresh textile lining and heritage details inspired by House archives. Truly a nice update on the timeless Monogram canvas which in my opinion, can be one of the biggest challenges a high-end Fashion House may encounter. The art of renewing iconic. It takes a vision ! On the other hand, it doesn't matter how preciously expensive and worthy I find my Neverfull to be, it has proven itself to cater to so many aspects of my life and has become an essential in my day-to-day wardrobe therefore, a satisfyingly genius investment.
It can, in fact, take me from school (past tense!) to a lunch meeting, to the airport, to a business launch, to the sporting club, to a friend's birthday. Through a sunny day spent down South Miami, strolling on Hispañola Way, paired with a clever combination of high and low athleisure-esque garments. Really, any occasion is good to take my chic tote for a ride and luckily for me, it looks like it might be highly reciprocated ;)
I was wearing…
ALDO Seagull Print Hat