5 Soup-to-Nuts Thanksgiving Menus And Everything in Between - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Sunday, 16 March

5 Soup-to-Nuts Thanksgiving Menus And Everything in Between

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and this year, I'm doing best to keep things simple yet, ever so magical! L'Action de Grâce, as we call it in French, probably is one of my favourite holidays in the entire year, at the exception of Christmas, of course. It beats Halloween, New Year's and even my own birthday because of the mood and spirit it gets me into. To me, Thanksgiving is a great time of the year to look back and reflect on what we've been blessed with, and to express gratitude for what we've accomplished, the loved ones that surround us and what is to come (2016 is not over just yet!).

Staying true to myself, one of the things I feel thankful for on this holiday weekend is, without hesitation, the amazing Thanksgiving dishes I'll get to splurge on on Monday night ;) And with cooking being one of my favourite hobbies, I thought I'd share with you today, with the help of Country Living mag., which is my go-to online destination for all things gastronomy, some of the best recipes I've had the chance to try ever since I started hosting the Thanksgiving dinner for my family. I personally recommend each and every Thanksgiving inspired menus down below as these are all recipes I stick to year after year and that are total crowder pleasers. 

Please feel free to give them a try and let me know your thoughts. Happy cooking!


This down-home gathering with a hint of Texas twang (hello deep-fried turkey and cranberry salsa!) is perfect for the casual, potluck kind of crowd. If you don't feel 100% confident being able to manage a full on, A to Z, Thanksgiving dinner party, simply make these holiday staples and ask for your guests to bring extra dishes to cover the whole table, different drinking options and a cheerful mood to set the tone for the beginning of the holiday season!

Main Course




For our friends on the other side of the country, Thanksgiving is also way to honour their Western Canadian heritage by cooking with the seasonal organic products featured in this menu. Back when I was living in Vancouver last Summer, I really learned to support the city I was living in and embrace some of the finest local food options it had to offer. There really is nothing like fresh, locally-sourced, organic products to make your recipes full of rich flavours and keep your bellies satisfied ;)

Olives, salami, cheese

Main Course

Side Dishes



This spread celebrates the season's bounty with crowd favorites taken up a notch. Perfect for a Thanksgiving gathering with your best girlfriends or to impress your in-law's in all good culinary fashion, this menu exudes sophistication and humbly reflects your appreciation for the finer things in life. This is also my go-to menu to satisfy my mother's taste for French cuisine, my dad's love for comfort food (a good old turkey, mashed and green beans combo are the way to his heart!) and my brother's obsession with sweets ;)
Main Course




Taking it from one coast to another, did I ever tell you about the many cooking tips I learned from my numerous stays on the Madeleine Islands? Yes, yes, these fellas certainly know their way around the kitchen! I will always remember this one time I went there for Christmas and stayed in an Airbnb in which the owner of the house left me a welcome note along with her family's Christmas turkey recipe, in case I ever needed one. She insisted on the importance soaking or "brining" the bird in a saltwater bath before roasting, to get the most "juiciness" and flavours out of your turkey. Give it a try, you'll be amazed with the results...


Main Course

Side Dishes




South Carolina baker Carrie Morey doesn't hoard her family's best recipes. She spreads the love and tweaks the traditional Thanksgiving favourites in this menu featured below. If you find yourself hosting a dinner party for a larger group, you'll want to find recipes that are easy to make yet, that will fulfill everybody's appetite. One of the many qualities of Southern food, if you ask me.


Main Course



The post 5 Soup-to-Nuts Thanksgiving Menus And Everything in Between appeared first on PBTH and was had been adapted from Country Living **

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