Amber Heard will be next muse of Tarantino?! - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Amber Heard will be next muse of Tarantino?!

Amber Heard Drive Angry Dodge Charger shorts style hot

Amber Heard Drive Angry Dodge Charger shorts style hot

Amber's the role of The Drive Angry film is one of her most famous. The actress plays a sexy waitress, the owner of the Dodge Charger. Her cult look in denim shorts and cowboy boots passed into history. Although the film does not belong to an ambitious cinema, Amber's creation is very impressive. Beautiful blond girl perfect fit to film categories B. I'm sure, that she would be great in the cast films of Quentin Tarantino, who loves this kind of pastiche. Who knows, may be Amber Heard will be his next muse? For now, I leave you with a scene from the movie Drive Angry. There is power! There is power!

Amber Heard and Nicolas Cage in Drive Angry. Doodge Charger scene.

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