What used to be thought of as a vacation-only purse has transformed into an everyday staple, perfect for this time of year. Straw handbags are at peak popularity and I don’t see it ending anytime soon. As many fashionistas have shown us, it is a bag that we can easily match to any summer outfit. They’re cool and trendy but vintage, they’re super versatile, can be designed in tons and tons of styles (big, small, clutches, handbags, for evening, for beach, for work). Straws may be the epitome of casual bohemian, BUT the fabric can be styled in a million ways and actually look great with any outfits.
Here are a few looks that will inspire you to carry your straw bag this season.
Rachel Comey Anjou straw bag |
Kirsten Dunst at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival carrying a Ferragamo bag |
Gigi Hadid carrying a straw bag |
Reese Witherspoon |
Rachel Comey Aleso Bag |
I hope these style tips have given you some inspiration! Till' next time xo