Croquis Boy: Nick Verreos showing How To Draw A Croquis for Flat Sketches--Fashion School With Nick Verreos YouTube
In my latest "Fashion School With Nick Verreos" YouTube tutorial video, I decided to take a break from Draping and Patternmaking, and do a SKETCHING video! For this new video, I wanted to show everyone How To Draw Your Very Own Croquis For Flat Sketches!
Croquis and Flat Sketches: Nick Verreos "How To Draw A Croquis" Video, Fashion School With Nick Verreos YouTube
A Croquis is what lots of designers, assistant designers, fashion design interns, students, etc., use to help them draw fashion/garments especially when showing "quick sketches" or doing the preliminary drawings for a collections and eventually, full-fledged Technical Sketches. You can find out A LOT MORE about Croquis in my book "A Passion For Fashion: Achieving Your Dreams One Thread At A Time", which you can get HERE!
Nine Head Croquis Drawing: Nick Verreos "How To Draw A Croquis" Video, Fashion School With Nick Verreos YouTube
Click below to Watch "How To Draw A Croquis" Video on "Fashion School With Nick Verreos" YouTube:
A Croquis is what lots of designers, assistant designers, fashion design interns, students, etc., use to help them draw fashion/garments especially when showing "quick sketches" or doing the preliminary drawings for a collections and eventually, full-fledged Technical Sketches. You can find out A LOT MORE about Croquis in my book "A Passion For Fashion: Achieving Your Dreams One Thread At A Time", which you can get HERE!
Nine Head Croquis Drawing: Nick Verreos "How To Draw A Croquis" Video, Fashion School With Nick Verreos YouTube
Click below to Watch "How To Draw A Croquis" Video on "Fashion School With Nick Verreos" YouTube: