Patternbank is an exceptionally great resource with over 20 years in the print, graphics and fashion industry. Their global research brings you essential inspiration ideas for graphics, prints and patterns, making Patternbank a valuable resource and intelligence tool for any business, designer or buyer. Visit their site here.
Welcome to Patternbank’s second Vision installment for Autumn/Winter 2018/19.
We understand the fast moving design industry and aim to innovate and inspire you and your team so you are ahead of the curve for next season. We’ll be delivering a collection of inspiring and directional trend reports throughout the season. Each Vision trend alert contains 3 key seasonal print trends. Each trend theme includes an over arching directional mood page, 2 print direction pages and 2 colour usage pages. All for £20/$28/€26
Here is a preview of their latest AW 18/19 Print Trend Report - Vision 2. To purchase the report, go here.
Welcome to Patternbank’s second Vision installment for Autumn/Winter 2018/19.
We understand the fast moving design industry and aim to innovate and inspire you and your team so you are ahead of the curve for next season. We’ll be delivering a collection of inspiring and directional trend reports throughout the season. Each Vision trend alert contains 3 key seasonal print trends. Each trend theme includes an over arching directional mood page, 2 print direction pages and 2 colour usage pages. All for £20/$28/€26
Vision 2: AW 18/19 Print Trend Themes
Autumn Equinox / Crafted Folk / Neutral Art
- 3 print trends containing 1 mood, 2 print direction & 2 colour usage pages
- Over 20 pages of inspirational print forecast intelligence
- Colour palette breakdowns with Pantone TCX references
- New smaller bitesize trend reports – 2 of 5