Tuesday 4th July

The day started of with a rare trip to Eastlandfor a cupcake! The Irish cream was delicious! The cream was like choux cream for eclairs but awesome!! Eclair cream seemed to pale in comparison. Oh and it was in the middle too not just the top. The cupcake itself was so moist and perfect! I liked it so much than little cupcakes.
A trip to the hospital, a team of three, jab jab. It hurt, more than a blood test, but less than going to the 6th circle of dental hell.

Eastland adventures! Lunch and a stop the fruit shop, the good deals are at the front, cheap/$3 coconut water and clearance bags. S got $1 for 4 sweet potatoes, $1,50 assorted roast veg.


We've got a week to move out. We spent a month packing but now need to repack.
The shipping container permit is $270 a day!! That's just the permit, not the actual box, I have no idea where I'm going or where my stuff is. Life is stressful. And all this happened before 10am. I'm checking in that mental health day. I'm on my way places and have been taking it slow, most days are good, this is bad - for far but nothing lunch and shopping can't fix!

Lunch at Samurai. Sushi bento $15. Soba noodles, overcooked. Way too soft. Love the seaweed salad. Wouldn't get this again.


The day started of with a rare trip to Eastland
A trip to the hospital, a team of three, jab jab. It hurt, more than a blood test, but less than going to the 6th circle of dental hell.

Op shop finds, though sadly I didn't need this set. But it is beautiful and cheap.

Eastland adventures! Lunch and a stop the fruit shop, the good deals are at the front, cheap/$3 coconut water and clearance bags. S got $1 for 4 sweet potatoes, $1,50 assorted roast veg.

Lunch at Gami

I do believe Eastland is mainly underground!

Dinner at Gru Thai
Yes I know we just ate, but it was much later then expected and I already have dinner bookings, and I have a +1 so can't move it to another day. Wednesday

Dinner at Misty's. 4th July! Deep fried and delicious.

Dinner at House of Hoi An - Delicious! We love Vietnamese food.
We've got a week to move out. We spent a month packing but now need to repack.
The shipping container permit is $270 a day!! That's just the permit, not the actual box, I have no idea where I'm going or where my stuff is. Life is stressful. And all this happened before 10am. I'm checking in that mental health day. I'm on my way places and have been taking it slow, most days are good, this is bad - for far but nothing lunch and shopping can't fix!

Lunch at Samurai. Sushi bento $15. Soba noodles, overcooked. Way too soft. Love the seaweed salad. Wouldn't get this again.

Mother Dough

Black Waffle

A birthday dinner at Firechief, as miserable as the yellow lighting I'm afraid.