Living the Festival Life - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Living the Festival Life

Monday 26th June

Lunch on the go was a vanilla slice from the local bakery, with more sweet treats than bread. Why is the only thing with a price tag the eclair? Me thinks they made too much today and need to promote them. Is it the cheapest thing in the shop? Do the prices change daily, depending in popularity or time? It makes me feel uneasy.

A return to D'Tandoor for an early 5pm dinner, we've got 45mins max before heading off to the music hall. At some point we lost the umbrella, forgot it the one place I wouldn't get it back! Not the restaurant or music hall, but train. It was my favourite watermelon umbrella too! *dies a little*.

I come from a place where if you want to leave the country unless they're connected by rail you'll have to take a ship. We don't have planes, not passager ones, only for mail and such services. Plastic bags are most fascinating 

The concert was amazing! I absolutely love Beethoven Pastoral (no.6) which takes you places you've never been! Up among the clouds, magical and sparkly! The first movement is my favorite, I have it as my wake up tone.


Lunching on main street at Rustica. Do I want the mushrooms, or sandwich? Which one? Oh idk... but there's no way I'm getting smashed avo :P (personal preference). - this is our 2nd visit.

The afternoon was spent packing, how did I accumulated so much stuff over 6mths?! It's the last week of packing, moving next week. Where to? A storage locker, that I've yet to book.

Maruto Maccha Castella 7.85
Bourbon Alfort Uji Maccha 6.50
Blendy Sticks 5.75
Daifuku 1.95

A stop by Suzuran for snacks. Matcha sticks diy works to be $1 for a latte, blenda sticks. Yes these aren't as bitter as the cafes do them, more creamy. These are perfect to me. 

On the matcha theme we had castella cake, with palm sugar syrup on a top. A tiny bite dry, but being an import they did pretty well. Not artificially flavoured or coloured this is rare. A try once thing as I prefer my pandan chiffon sponges. Almost $1 a slice.

My favorite find though was the matcha white choc cookies. There's a chocolate version at the supermarket, Belgium I think, red white and chocolate coloured boxes often on sale.

Off to the theatre we saw two shows, completely new to me.


Morning tea at Hugos, where we both liked the chia latte and hot chocolate, 
no matcha lattes here but there's tumeric and Workshop Bros is on the same strip.

Dinner at Circolo, pizza near mcd in South Melb, well heading there from crown. 
Down a dark road, with roller doors it sure looks shifty!


After a meeting we were on our way to lunch when I spotted a stockings shop! With 40% off the most expensive tights were $12 (200d) though there were more pricey Italian ones. We stocked up for a year, 11 for $73. Which is a very good deal, normally I'd pay $15 normally ideally under $10 as I wear them daily (not the same one, I have a rotation). Anything under $12 is good (except bonds brand). Look for quality brands, there are many of them according to Myer.

Finally we have a chance to lunch at Samurai. It was delicious! We were stuffed, as we also had a miso. The chicken was a bit sweet but still I'd reccomend it. Loved the whole bento, it was great value at $13 every bite had flavour and there's both salad and a little something deep fried.

We did it! It only took a month but we've packed up everything at H house ready to move in a fortnight. Where to? That's an issue to be confronted next week.

Update - No we were wrong, we packed it all wrong and would spend another month on that...


Catching up with H, saying goodbye as he's moving away. Arrg I hate cinnamon in my drink! Failed assertiveness there and he wanted me to practice my powers of assertiveness so I settled, by scooping it off. Why is there cinnamon on my matcha latte anyway?

I was late. He knows this. And is surprisingly ok with it? So naturally he orders lunch. 

Pre-dinner snacks from Sushi Hub, yes it's more than my sushi place, but it's the only sushi place open late. We had the miso for $1 extra, fairly average. 

I met a guy who makes my heart flutter. Edit - It wasn't him, it was the interview itself.

Boneless Fried Chicken with Curry and Rice $12

Dinner at Oppa, table was wiped in between patrons. Very fast and full. 
We had a curry, very filling though deep fried was a mistake... 

Scotland the Brave. It was pretty good! We really enjoyed it. It did seem a bit short in perception but not reality as it was just as long as Mahler last night


Lunch at The Grand Tofu.

I waited for jas and ended up with 20mins for dinner, down to 10mins and we've just ordered. We're not going to make it cause I waited. This is not the first time and won't be the last either. *sigh* Advantage of being alone is that there's no one to slow you down.

Arriving at the theatre we were in time for my funny honey though had missed all that jazz. This is why we need a boost on a corner like mcd

Front row seats! We can see almost everything! There's a barrier to stop you from falling down, the stage has a front bit that goes down. We missed a lot of that last time being third row on the balcony. The best seats here? Center center of the stalls.

It wasn't as loud or bright as I recall. Though just as fabulous with costumes up close! We can't wait to see them in detail. All the mermaid scale hologram underwear, sequins, rhinestones, and honey birdette-esque bondage lingerie, showgirl dresses with nude glitter material and all that extreme glitter eyeshadow!
Another favorite that you could actual wear on the streets was the newspaper front clasp corsets paired with red pleated skirts, clear bk edged raincoat, topped of with a cloch hat.

Jas finally arrived a bit before midnight, only 6hrs late. Mother has the record at 6/8hrs late though - there was a sale. 

We stopped by Daniel's Donuts with its fluro lighting, awake and fully alive at midnight on a Saturday night. Line weren't too long or slow. 

I had the lamington $4 which was perfect, a soft cake, though could have used more cream, while he had a donut and pie. 


Closing Night at the Cabaret Festival.

But first, Pisca! Comedy, song and circus of a blue duck. 
We loved it!! He sang love is in the air and fly me to the moon! 5/5.

What a week its been! How was your week?

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