6 Eats in 7 Days - Fashion Dress in The Present
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6 Eats in 7 Days

Monday 17th July

Within minutes the event was almost sold out! We were there refreshing and got that one ticket though. Yay! That was for the Windsor. Though the Arts Center appears to have been sold out instantly! - Nope, the site wasn't working, I called up and got the tix.

Hot choc from Nuts about Coffee. They've redecorated. It's fairly standard. Not as good as mother dough. Most hot chocolates are standard though.


After about a month on the list we finally made it to Peppans!! Zomato to lied about the opening hours...

Located to the left of jam factory past the 7/11 is Peppans brunch to dinner. Annoying flickering shadows of fans at the high booths. Fairy lights and blackboard menus. Trendy. Music from middle school era, if only they played classical!

We had the vanilla bean panna cotta served brunch style like a work of art. Anzac cookie crumble, mint strawberries and a berry that I couldn't identify. It was delicious! With the mint leaves small but potent adding that special something. I absolutely loved it!!

Lunch on Victoria St at La Lot, I had the signature dish. It wasn't as good as I'd expected lacking the spices. Also there was grass in my side salad... Service was indifferent.

Dinner at Marmara Turkish. That was delicious! A hidden gem.


As if I don't have enough problems already photobucket no longer lets you link hosted pictures and demands a fee to do so. Luckily this is a recent thing and I just found out. 
So we moved all the pictures and changed the links, but the old blog, I don't recall the password and can't get in!


Dinner at Seouljaboy. An open concrete space. A bar trying to be a restaurant that was too loud. I was thankful that it wasn't quite Friday yet with the DJ booth in the corner.


Me - Who's Henri?
Henri - My dearest Charlotte, it has been yet but an hour since we last conversed. Surely you haven't forgotten my name already? [He is most definitely laughing at me...]
Me - No no, that's the name of the Cafe. That's why I sent you the location not the name. 
Henri - You sent me a set of numbers, I have no idea what the coordinates refer too...
Me - Oh Henri, you're no fun at all!

With an afternoon off after meetings we went shopping! H said they're some shops that way, lol I'm not looking for any shop, I've got exactly what I want on hold. We're saying goodbye and yet at times he doesn't know me at all.

An early dinner at Chiahana. Sir lankan hoppers, an egg basket with potato pumpkin, onion caramelized and hot stuff. An entree but perfect snack. There was also cake, but we're saving that for the post. ;)

Up to Korean. 20mins wait just for corn. Liven app was down since yesterday. What timing!! They made me late for the concert when I'd order via phone. Not only that but they forgot the lime


Reality was overwhelming, we were up at 8.30am looking up housing stuff but by noon we required a nap, missing dinner. Having 2 minutes for a salad, where the waitress forgot the salad *sigh* it was worth it though, to not be late to see 'Amadeus Live in Concert'

Trailers after the credit, nobody cares. It ruined the almost. There will be blood, loud explosive set in the modern century, ripping us away from 1700s. Why would you do that?!

Told by S 32 years after Mozart dies, in confession to a priest who's face says I wasn't trained for this XD. In an lunatic asylum - is there any other kind? After he has a crazy moment where he tries to kill himself but fails. Wow the method he chose is hard to fail unless you're caught as he was.

A fun short ego and alcohol driven life of Mozart. With beautiful dresses high hair and all the fashions of 17xx. You'd think there would be fan services for the boys but no constance is the only one who wears low cut dresses, and the other women don't interact with her. Does she have friends? I suppose it doesn't matter as the story isn't about her.


Checkout out a room it was small but fine. Located a bit too far from the main street though. Oh how I miss the location of H house.

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