On the left bank of Paris not far along the bustling Parisian fashion street Rue Saint-Dominique you come to a narrow side street, the charming Rue Amélie where I was recently staying. And it's here under the omnipresent Tour Eiffel, along with with restaurants and small hotels, a theatre and a gift shop; that one morning I came across the French boutique leather goods maker Catherine Loiret. How had I missed this shop before? I know; I was always walking the other way; but not on this morning. Here was a shop that I could easily tell had quality, hand made - just a little quirky - fashion handbags, and while it was not open just yet I was determined to drop back in when it was and check it out properly for myself.
So here I am with next to no French beyond "Bonjour Madame" and "parlez vous Anglais?" conducting an impromptu interview of sorts with artist and designer Catherine Loiret her very self. And here is some of what I learnt. Catherine created the kind of bag she wanted for herself, something more personal than what was already available in the luxury leather goods market. She draws on her experience from working with the likes of HERMES and creates bags that are very flexible; and when I say flexible I mean reconfigurable, in look and use, her "Bagasutra" says it all really, and all made in France. Anyway that's over on her website and you can take a look for yourself. It was lovely meeting a knowledgeable and creative designer, and to just stand in a shop full of beautiful colourful pieces, breathing in the leather and looking at her personal work space and bits and pieces of her craft. You can always tell a real artist when you meet them, they know what they do intimately and although it is an overused term, Catherine clearly has a real passion for her designs. So if you are in Paris looking for some unique luxury you won't see in every international airport; taking a trip to Rue Amélie should certainly be on your list. And thank you Catherine for taking time out of your day and chatting with me; a most enjoyable Paris experience indeed.
Rue Saint-Dominique |
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