hair colours and styles 2019 - Fashion Dress in The Present
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hair colours and styles 2019

 hair colours and styles 2019 for women's

Good morning dear readers, in this opportunity we want to give you information about the hair colors that exist so you can know which are the ones that are in fashion, what are the trends in colors and what are the styles of colors that are used in this season. As everyone knows, hair is a part of us that is very important for both women and men, and making hair look healthy and beautiful is always an objective that everyone wants to achieve. There are many ways to take care of our hair and make it look beautiful, and there are many ways to embellish it using dyes with different colors and with hairstyles with different styles. So if you want to change your look and make your hair look beautiful and fashionable, Here in this blog we want to show you information and images about the trend colors of this season. To continue reading this blog and choose the color that best suits your taste.

 hair colours and styles


The color blue is a color that many women choose to dye and look extravagant. The color blue in the hair is difficult to maintain in the long term since as time passes the color is wearing out and it is losing color tending to be a bluish green and the only way to maintain it is to dye it frequently. Here in the following images, we show you some ideas of blue hair so you can see the different blue tones that exist and the different types of hair with blue dye.

 hair colours and styles

Woman with blue hair.

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

In the image, you can see a very vibrant blue hair color that attracts attention and captures the attention of all who look at it.

 hair colours and styles

Blue hair in short hair woman with waves.

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

In the previous image, you can see a blue hair tone at the tips and darker towards the roots that looks great if you want to wear a striking and original look.

 hair colours and styles

Image with a hair in different shades of colors like blue, violet and green.


The red hair is very chosen by many women who want to look attractive with reddish or very strong red hair. There are many varieties of red to dye your hair and depending on the type of skin you have and the hair color, you can choose a tone that suits you best. Within the tones, you can use is cherry red, deep red, dark red, copper, light red, and many more.

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

There are many shades of red to put on your hair and here in this blog, we want to give you images with some examples of shades of red hair so you can get ideas and you can find the right tone for you.

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

The color red is a color that represents passion and love and is a tone very chosen by many women to dye their hair. There are many shades of red that can be used for hair depending on the taste of each woman and how she wants to see her hair. You can choose stronger, lighter, saturated, opaque reds and the ones you want, since there are a great variety of wonderful reds.

 hair colours and styles

In the previous image, you can see a special mahogany hair tone for women with personality

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

The passion red hair tone is very original and is chosen by women who want to capture the attention of all those who look at it. It is a very saturated tone that is ideal for audacious women.

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

There are also less intense shades of red and not so much attention but look more natural. In the previous image, you can see a red hair with worn ends that is ideal for young women


  • If you want to show off beautiful red hair you should follow some advice if you want it to look perfect. It is important to know that you should not try to dye natural blonde hair red because the color can turn pink.
  • Another tip to have the perfect red hair is to avoid placing a light red dye on a base of dark hair because the roots will grow and not be very good in your hair. It is important that you choose a red tone that is perfect with your roots and so it lasts longer in your hair.
  • If you want your dye to be perfect, it is important that before you die you know that the color of the packaging is not what the color will be in your hair. You should know that the color of the container is like that to that woman with a particular hair tone and that is not equal to yours. It is important that before you die you do a test to verify if it is the desired color.
  • After dyeing with red color it is important that you wash your hair with shampoo for dyes that are protective, nourishing and brightness illuminators since a low-quality product will cause the color to wear and become ugly. So we advise you to look for a shampoo for dyed hair and you will see what good results you get after putting it on.


The green hair is unusual but there are some women who want to have a special and striking look and choose the green color to dye all the hair or just a percentage of it. The green color is striking and is unusual, so it is recommended for daring women and with a lot of personalities. Here we leave some images with hair in different shades of green so you can get ideas and you can choose the right green tone for you.

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

 hair colours and styles

Green hair is another option for daring young people who want to attract the attention of all who look at them. It is a colorful little chosen by women, but here we give some examples of green colors so you can choose the one you like the most if you want to change your look.

 hair colours and styles

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