Fashion Dress in The Present: 2017 Oscars Costumes Exhibition
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Showing posts with label 2017 Oscars Costumes Exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017 Oscars Costumes Exhibition. Show all posts

ICE STYLE.....2017 for 2018 Internationaux de France Grand Prix of France COSTUMES: MEN

Suited Man: Georgia's Moris Kvitelashvili doing his Short Program at the 2017 Internationaux de France Grand Prix of France, Grenoble France

In my last post HERE, I discussed the LADIES COSTUMES from the 2017 Internationaux de France Grand Prix of France. So, naturally, it's time for the MEN to get the "Nick Ice Style" take.

Alexander Samarin of Russia: Alexander was the only male from  Russia to compete at the 2017 Internationaux de France/Grand Prix of France and for his Short Program to Moonlight Sonata performed by E.S. Posthumus and I'm No Angel (cover of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata) by Era, he wore this costume above. I liked this blue and black costume, especially the top. The design featured several gradations of blue --along with a small nude illusion panel and sheer/black panels with "branch"-like details...

I thought those black details were great and wonderfully placed--especially on his upper torso where the cameras would focus during a lot of his skate. Keeping the vibrant blue colors at the top also was a wonderful stage--or shall I say "ICE"-impacting touch!

Free Skate to La Naissance de Yaha by Saint-Preux, The Unforgiven III by Metallica and House of the Rising Sun performed by Dave Evans--This costume was a bit of Rock & Roll, a bit "Punk" and a but OH NO IS THAT A "ROSS DRESS FOR LESS" BELT???!!! I liked the maroon-colored solid/sheer top with the faux leather belt strap details and I got the point of the costume in terms of his music. But...THAT BELT!!!??? Why Oh Why can't Figure Skating Costume designers come up with an alternative? Or at least, be creative enough to design a belt that goes with the costume--maybe one just like the faux leather straps on his top? Seriously...Is it that difficult?

Moris Kvitelashvili of Georgia: For his Short Program to Feeling Good by Leslie Bricusse, Anthony Newley performed by Michael Buble, Moris donned this gray/silver and black costume. The look featured a fitted open jacket with stand-up band collar, vest and band-collar white shirt--and yes, black pants. I thought the fit and style were nice and complimentary to his lean physique. I also liked the dégradé-like beading details, especially on the front of the jacket as well as vest, collar and pocket flaps...

The black oversized jewel buttons were also quite fab!

Free Skate to Radioactive, Dream, and Believer by Imagine Dragons--On the other hand, I wasn't so much a fan of Moris' Free Skate costume. It looked a bit too all over the place/mish-mash'y. There was Ultra Suede-like fabrication, patches of faux leather, zippers, rhinestones and a "Rasta"-like flag on his shoulder. Here's an image I found when I Google'd the music he skated to:

Sooooo, maybe his costume was inspired by this? Maybe???

Misha Ge of Kazakhstan: Misha Ge is one of my FAVORITE male figure skaters. I love his skating but I especially LOVE how he BOWS after his skate like a Bolshoi Ballet Dancer! Oh, and yeah, he also embraces fab costumes. For his 2017-2018 Short Program to Ave Maria by Giulio Caccini performed by Ikuko Kawai, Misha wore this look above. It is a bit "Game of Thrones" Medieval-like in its colors, details and macabre red-and-black details. I liked the asymmetry of the draping and ruffles as well as the "Are those birds and blood on his chest" imagery, and I can't help but add my fondness to his low-slung sequined "triple belted" top. It was sexy yet a bit 90's Retro Fab.

Free Skate to Meditation (from "Thais") by Jules Massenet--In my Ice Style post for the 2017 Rostelecom Cup HERE, I talked about Misha's costume for his Free Skate. While I liked it--the golden/violet/silver sequins were nice and ombre shaping on his top was pretty--I just wasn't a fan of the nude illusion panel I saw here:

Misha Ge of Uzbhekhistan in his Free Skate at 2017 Rostelecom Cup 


Here it is above at the 2017 Internationaux de France Grand Prix of France. Did he get rid of that illusion panel? Yes he did! In looks like a completely new top. Re-fit and ready for the rest of the very important Olympic Season! Thank you Misha Ge!

**UP NEXT: The PAIRS and ICE DANCE COSTUMES HIGHLIGHTS of the 2017 Internationaux de France Grand Prix of France!

And don't forget about my NEW "The Pageant Coloring Book"! Where you can create your very own Evening Gown Competition with 25 of my hand-drawn Pageant Queen illustrations. Click HERE to purchase NOW on

How To Loose Belly Fat For Men In A Week

A Calorie Deficit to Lose Weight
You lose visceral and subcutaneous belly fat using the same strategy: Eat less and move more. A pound is equal to 3,500 calories, so if you create a 500- to 1,000-calorie deficit daily for a week, you lose 1 or 2 total pounds over those seven days. For most people, simply eating less to create the deficit puts them at too low of a calorie intake. You don't want to dip below 1,200 daily calories if you're a woman or 1,800 calories if you're a man, because it's usually nutritionally deficient and unsustainable. Such a low intake often results in a loss of valuable calorie-burning muscle mass, too.

Instead, create a deficit using a combination of diet and exercise. For example, plan to exercise off 250 extra calories and trim 250 calories from your meals every day. This adds up to a 500-calorie-per-day deficit that results in a pound lost each week. You may want to slim down your belly faster, but fast weight loss is more likely to be regained. Quick-fix methods also use unhealthy, unsound weight-loss strategies that cause the loss of a lot of muscle and water, rather than actual fat.
Targeting Abdominal Fat
Usually, targeting a specific part of your body for fat loss isn't realistic. Your body mobilizes fat from all over your body for loss when you experience a calorie deficit, not just the one place you want. Belly-widening visceral fat is somewhat different, though. Your body doesn't see visceral fat as a storage depot, but as a health risk, and responds relatively quickly to efforts to reduce it. Some of the first fat you lose when you become more physically active is visceral fat.

Subcutaneous fat, however, isn't as easy to lose. You find it on your hips, thighs, upper arms and, of course, your muffin top. It produces more molecules that are beneficial, and your body uses it as a guard against starvation, even if that isn't a real modern-day worry. Because about 90 percent of your body fat is subcutaneous, it has a lot of stores from which to draw when you're losing weight. You usually reduce fat proportionally -- a little from your thighs, a little from your tum. Your muffin top may be one of the last areas to hold on, even when you become considerably leaner.
An Eating Strategy for Fat Loss
Trimming daily caloric intake to between 1,200 and 1,800 helps most people lose weight. Exactly how many you need depends on your size, weight-loss rate goal, activity level, gender and age. Consult with a dietitian to determine your ideal intake for weight loss.

Once you know your calorie intake, plan a menu made up of whole foods. Vegetables, fruits and lean proteins, such as white-meat chicken, fish and lean steak, should be staples in your diet. Limit creamy salad dressing, full-fat dairy and rich sauces. Opt for vinegar, citrus juice, olive oil, herbs and spices as alternative ways to punch up flavor.

Moderate servings of whole grains, instead of refined ones like white bread or white rice, round out your meals. Whole grains don't encourage the development of belly fat like refined grains do, showed a study published in a 2010 issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Processed snacks may be convenient, but they're usually heavy in sugar and refined grains. Instead of chips, white crackers and cereal bars, choose fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt or nuts as a healthier option to support weight loss.

A diet based on these foods will help reduce visceral fat initially and subcutaneous fat in the long run.

Revise Your Beverage Intake
Soda, fancy coffee and energy drinks contain considerable calories that can easily make you overshoot your daily calorie goal, so you put on extra weight. Beverages sweetened with sugar and high-fructose corn syrup also contribute to the development of visceral fat and liver fat, reported a review published in a 2013 issue of Diabetes Care. Sugary drinks don't make you feel full, so you eat calories from food in addition to them.

Although fruit juice has some nutritional value, it's easy to drink large servings and take in a lot of excess calories. Juice is also missing the fiber of whole fruit, and fiber is what slows your digestion. It keeps you feeling full for longer and moderates the impact the sugar in the fruit has on your blood sugar. Most of the time, drink water or unsweetened tea instead of calorie-laden beverages..
Strength-Train to Tone Your Midsection
Magazine ads and fitness gadgets promise that their exercises will eradicate your muffin top. Exercise can't melt or burn fat from a specific area; it can only strengthen and grow the muscles there, under the fat. A comprehensive training program that works your entire body to increase the amount of lean muscle on your body and cardiovascular training that burns excess calories help you get rid of visceral and subcutaneous fat.

Strength-train at least twice per week and target all the major muscle groups -- the hips, thighs, arms, shoulders, back and chest, as well as the abdominals. Multijoint exercises such as squats, lunges, pulls and presses work multiple muscles at once to expedite your session. Go for eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise you choose, and use a weight that feels heavy by the last couple of efforts. Start with just one set, but work up to two or three over time.

Burn Calories to Drop Weight

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly to promote good health. More cardio exercise is necessary for weight loss -- at least 250 minutes per week, says the American College of Sports Medicine. A brisk walk, water aerobics, dance fitness or gentle cycling all count toward this goal.

Make two or three of your weekly cardio sessions consist of high-intensity interval training to expedite the loss of visceral and subcutaneous fat. This type of exercise, which involves alternating short bouts of high-intensity work with equal bouts of less intense work, improves fitness while lowering insulin resistance and causing better fat oxidation, or burning, reported a review published in the Journal of Obesity in 2011. A sample HIIT session consists of a five-minute warm-up and then alternating two-minute segments of sprinting with two minutes of walking, five times. End with a short cool-down.

Add small movement whenever you can anytime during the day, too. Walk or bike to work, do household chores, pace while on the phone and select the staircase over the elevator. Although these movements seem minor, the calories they use add up and increase your overall daily calorie expenditure to burn off your belly.

How To Gain Weight Fast For Men Without Gym - Tips For Men

Transforming yourself from skinny to strong requires more than a few visits to the gym. Gaining healthy weight requires as much focus and dedication as losing it. You want a change now, but the fastest rate of gain that is still healthy is just 1 to 2 pounds per week -- especially if you want most of that gain in the form of sculpted, lean muscle. Don't resort to garbage foods in an attempt to pile on the pounds faster. Plenty of calorie-dense, healthy foods are the best support for your efforts to gain weight.

Step 1

Eat five to six times per day. Aim for at least three full meals and two smaller, but still calorie-dense snacks. Skipping meals means skipping an opportunity to put calories in your body; calories are what lead to weight gain. Start with breakfast and schedule another snack or meal every two to three hours throughout the day.

Step 2

Increase the calorie density of every meal with healthy foods. Supplement foods by adding dense items like nuts to cereal and cook oats in milk at breakfast. Slather avocado on sandwiches and toss pasta with olive oil for lunch. Include a serving or two of dense, whole-grain bread and starchy vegetables at dinner. Indulge in trail mix, granola and smoothies made with fresh fruit, yogurt and peanut butter for snacks. These additions add between 500 and 1,500 extra calories per day -- enough to gain 1 to 2 pounds per week.

 Step 3

Have an extra serving of protein at meals to support muscle growth. Dr. Steve Fleck, chair of the Sport Science Department at Colorado College, told CNN that you should consume at least .55 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily when trying to put on muscle. If you weigh 145 pounds, you'll need at least 80 grams. Skip proteins high in saturated fat and instead seek out lean sources such as low-fat cottage cheese, chicken breast and flank steak.You can also include salmon and other fatty fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, which will boost your calorie intake.

Step 4

Pack snacks whenever you leave home so you never find yourself without healthy, high-calorie options. Whole-food energy bars, packets of dried fruit or nuts, or a peanut butter sandwich on whole-wheat bread make portable, convenient options for men who don't like to deal with food prep.


    Avoid taking supplements that promise quick weight gain. Many of these are full of additives and ingredients that are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. You can better your results and nutrition with whole foods.


    Don't drink during your meals -- it can squelch your appetite. Save water, juice and milk for after or between meals.
    Enlist a workout partner to keep you honest about your workouts and to serve as a spotter.

How To Gain Weight In Thighs And Buttocks Fast - Tips For Women

Thin, toned legs and slender hips are the envy of many a girl, but it's possible to be too thin. Stick-thin legs with minimal muscle mass don't always look good in skinny jeans, short skirts or booty shorts. Being too thin can make you the subject of ridicule and prevent you from feeling your best. While you can't make weight gain purposefully go to a specific area of your body, you can try to increase your muscle size in your legs and hips to create a fuller, fitter look.
How You Gain Weight

Weight gain happens when you eat more calories than you burn. A daily calorie increase of 250 to 500 calories per day will help you put on weight. You can't decide where that weight goes, however. Just as when people lose weight, your body's weight-gain tendencies depend on your genetics. Your general shape will stay the same -- so if you've got a fuller midsection and thin legs and hips, your proportions will be consistent as your whole body gets larger.

Eating to Add Weight

To gain weight, aim to eat more calories than you burn daily. Figure out your daily calorie burn using an online calculator that takes into account your age, size and activity level. Add about 500 calories to it to encourage a pound gain per week. Alternatively, speak to a dietitian about a good goal calorie intake for you.

Don't just add calories in the form of more chips, ice cream and junk food. Increase your intake of healthy foods, such as fruits, starchy vegetables -- such as sweet potatoes and corn -- whole grains, unsaturated fats, dairy products and protein.

An extra snack consisting of two slices of whole-wheat bread topped with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and a cup of sliced bananas supplies about 500 calories. Alternatively, add extra calories to each meal. For example, at breakfast sprinkle an ounce of walnuts on your cereal; at lunch have an 8-ounce container of plain yogurt for dessert; and finish dinner with an 8-ounce glass of low-fat milk to boost your day's intake by 500 calories. The extra calcium in the dairy foods supports your body's growth and bone development, too.
Protein Powers Weight Gain

When gaining weight, aim to develop more muscle rather than just adding fat. Building muscle requires an increase in your caloric intake along with targeted training at the gym. A protein intake of about 0.55 gram per pound of body weight per day helps you recover from exercise and encourages anabolism, or muscle cell growth.

When you add more calories, make some of them come from protein. Use nut butter instead of butter on your morning toast to add about 7 grams of protein per 2-tablespoon serving; cook hot cereal with a cup of milk instead of water to add 8 grams of protein; add 1/2 cup of roasted, light-meat chicken to a salad for almost 20 grams of protein; or include 4 ounces of cooked ground turkey in marinara sauce or vegetable soup to add 22 grams. Protein-rich snacks that also help add calories are hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese or Greek yogurt.

Train Your Hips and Thighs
Strength-training your legs and hips can help develop the muscles there so that they're more toned and strong. A focused program may also help you to gain muscle, which will increase your lower body size. Plan to train your legs and hips at least twice per week on nonconsecutive days. Three days per week can give you better results.

If you're new to strength training, begin with just one set of eight to 12 body-weight exercises such as step-ups, squats and lunges. After a week or two, add weight in the form of dumbbells or a barbell. Gradually add sets and more weight as you feel stronger. Exercises to add in as you progress include hip hinges, single-leg squats, bridges and quadruped hip extensions, also known as donkey kicks. Build up to lifting weights that feel heavy after about eight repetitions to maximize muscle growth. Increase the weight when it feels manageable to complete your sets and reps.

Don't skip training the upper body and doing cardiovascular exercise just because you're trying to build leg and hip muscle. Perform at least one exercise for the back, chest, arms and shoulders when you train, and do short bouts of cardio, such as brisk walking, jogging or cycling for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, to keep your cardiovascular and respiratory systems healthy.
Overcoming Muscle Gain Obstacles

Some body types are genetically less receptive to muscle-building tactics. Recognize that any exercise and healthy calories you add are making you a fitter person.

Consider adding a post-workout protein snack to your diet to augment your work at the gym. A whey-protein shake or half of a turkey sandwich may provide you with a nutritional boost to improve muscle gain.

Drink plenty of water and get adequate sleep to keep your body healthy and help develop lean muscle mass. Teen girls need between eight and 10 hours per night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. As you grow into adulthood, the range shrinks by an hour to seven to nine hours per night.

How To Wear Printed Pants To Work - Tips For Women

Outfit Ideas with Printed Pants: Printed trousers offer a simple method to liven up any ensemble. Easily paired with an edgy blazer or a subtle blouse, this tendency is versatile to be a must have for everyone.

These are the best pick of designers and are the perfect solution to reveal your impeccable fashion while being fabulously and comfy on the ongoing trend. Most of the curvy or heavy bottom women find it a bit difficult to wear printed pants but until unless you have the courage to do anything for looking good, do not hesitate to take a risk. From street styles to runways, it seems like printed pants are the new It item, and the options are endless. So nobody can stop you from wearing the trendiest staple of the season.


How to Wear Printed Pants Everywhere

While you go for shopping, there are pants available in florals and tribal patterns to simply sweet prints. So this means there is something for everyone. Now everyone is sure to find the perfect pair to match their unique personality. But we can help you out that which outfit can go with your body type.
Tips for Wearing Printed Pants

Here are some of the descriptions and tips to  wear this trouser with style and look impeccably fashionable in your own way.

    Fitted and Feminine
A fitted cut and beautiful design are sure to add the right mix of delicate and edgy to your overall look.

    Tailored Perfection
Tailored pants perfectly achieve an elegant style with their ladylike print and simple color pallet.

    Animal Chic

Add a little bohemian vibe to your look with these lovely pants. Simply create a classic look with a tucked-in structured shirt or show your free spirit by pairing these with a tunic.


    The Right Color

The color is a very important ingredient, choosing the right color for your printed pants would help out greatly for those of you who are bottom heavy. Dark colors will give off a slimmer look.

    For Plus Size Women

You need to play with different types of prints. Here are a few things to consider when you’re looking at an outfit. i.e. Size of Prints, fitting and color. Allover patterns or placement patterns should be judged rightly. Otherwise, they can ruin your look.

    Geometric or Floral Print Outfits

Most of the time, you can figure out what kind of print will look good on you by determining if you look better in structured clothes or flowing clothes.

Most Flattering Plus Size Shorts - Tips For Women

Lots of curvy girls love the idea of shorts, but have a hard time wearing them, or don’t feel confident enough to show off their legs. The biggest complaints that most women have about shorts is they are uncomfortable, or they are unflattering. The reason for these complaints is simple: you’re wearing the wrong style.

Shorts come in a variety of lengths and styles, and each one is made to flatter different parts of the body. Some women want to show off their legs, some want to minimize large thighs, and others want to create the illusion of long legs.

To help you get on the right track, here are some tips to help you get the most flattering shorts for your body.

Bermuda (Knee-length)

Knee-length shorts are the most flattering for most body shapes. The key is to choose the best leg width for your shape.

Ladies with smaller thighs can easily wear fitted or relaxed shorts, while ladies who have thicker thighs will benefit from relaxed to wide leg styles. Just make sure they are not too wide, or else it will give your thighs even more bulk. Ladies with thicker thighs can also wear fitted bermuda styles, but only when trying to even out a larger bottom with a smaller top. Fitted shorts with a tunic or flared top will keep your top and bottom well proportioned.


Board shorts are normally medium to knee length shorts that are light and quick drying. They are basically  just like men’s swim shorts, mainly bermuda length, but with some short styles. Most board shorts will also have cargo pockets at the side. You can easily wear them over swimwear at the beach, or wear them out with a tank or t-shirt for a quick sporty-casual look.

Capri (Long)

Capri length shorts are generally just below the knee to mid-calf. They are essentially between pants and shorts. Just like bermuda shorts, the leg width will depend on how thick or thin your thighs are.

In general, capris are more flattering on ladies with longer legs. If you have shorter legs, the length of capris should stay close to the knee as opposed to the calf. If they are closer to the calf, it will give you a squat look, which actually makes your legs shorter.


Shorts with cargo pockets are great for a more casual look, but some styles can add bulk to your thighs. If the cargo pockets stick out, they will add width to your thighs, if they are flush with the side of the shorts, they will not add bulk, but they will draw the eyes down to the leg, so if you want to divert attention away from the legs, choose plain shorts with more details in your top.

 Contoured Waist

A contoured waist on shorts is exactly what curvy hourglass women need. Most hourglass ladies have a smaller waist compared to their hips, and the waistband of pants and shorts will always have an annoying gape. A contoured waist will taper in, which will eliminate the gape at the waist.  Ladies with more of a straight body shape will not benefit from this waistline. Instead, it will cause the hip area to pucker and bunch.


Shorts with a cuff normally looks best on ladies with smaller thighs and calves. Although small cuff will not have a dramatic effect, wider cuffs will have a bigger impact on your body shape balance.

Cuffs draw the eyes down to the legs, but also add bulk wherever the cuffs fall. If you have wider thighs and narrower calves, cuffed capris can help balance out your legs, but if you have thick legs, try to avoid cuff and roll-up styles.


How To Build Muscle Naturally - Tips For Men

As you probably know by now with health and fitness, there are thousands of contradictions, thousands of ideas, and thousands of perspectives. However, let us help you by sticking to the basic, and the best, ways to achieve your fitness goals. Now, there’s no immediate way to get washboard abs and arms that could crush a bear, but there are ways you can boost the effectiveness of your gym session, and this will help speed up how long it takes to get ripped.

Diet to Get Ripped

It’s an age old saying, but ‘you are what you eat’ has an annoying ring of truth to it, especially when it comes to your fitness. Maintaining a balanced diet is vital if you want to bulk up in the right way. Although it’s not always easy to plan meals when you’re trying to slim down and on top of that gain muscle, there are a few key foods that you should keep in mind when you’re training.
muscle gain how to get ripped fast diet

    Fish: There’s a whole list of benefits to eating fish, but the main things to focus on when you’re trying to bulk up is that it helps increase testosterone, lowers body fat, and enables easier joint movement. It’s also a strong source of protein and if you go with something fresh like wild salmon, you’ll gain a good helping on omega-3 fatty acids.
    Eggs: Again we’re dealing with protein here, and eggs are a great provider. They’re also high in vitamins E, D and A, and are easy to incorporate into your meals.
    Greek yogurt: High in calcium and protein, and helps keep muscles on the go by providing them with a stream of amino acids.
    Greens: We’re talking spinach, kale, chard and all those other food that get called ‘rabbit food’ 80% of the time. These are a great source of iron, fibre, vitamins and yes, again, protein.
    Flaxseeds: These will probably end up stuck in your teeth at least once a week, but with the benefits that come with them, it’ll be worth it. Flaxseeds are great for your heart, they aid in fat burning, keep your mood up, which is vital for that rainy walk to the gym, and are an easy source or omega-3 fatty acids.
    Water: Seems like a no brainer, but something as simple as replacing your morning coffee with a glass of water (I know, not easy to do) is going to drastically help replace that caffeine with clean hydration, ensuring that you stay alert without that crash mid afternoon. Drinking between 2 to 3 litres of water a day is ideal, and will help keep you full, meaning you’ll be less likely to snack on unhealthy alternatives.

As you can see, there’s a lot of protein heavy foods there. Protein is rich in amino acids, which are vital in building, repairing and maintaining muscles. If you didn’t have amino acids you essentially wouldn’t be able to build up muscle, which explains why protein shakes are so popular with gym goers.

Best Supplements to Get Ripped

Now it’s important to eat right if you plan on bulking up, but it’s not always easy to get all the vitamins and minerals you need just from your meals. Taking additional supplements can help boost your body’s levels, and prevent you from falling short on the necessary nutrients you need. It’s important to have a range of vitamins to stay healthy, but if we’re talking specifically building muscles, these are the supplements you should think about investing in.
how to build muscle get ripped fast

    Whey Protein Powder: Yep, back to protein, but it really is important when you’re working out. Protein powder can be more useful than protein heavy foods before and after a workout simply because it digests so much faster. Taking some of this 30 minutes before a workout is going to noticeably improve muscle growth.
    Creatine: Creatine is made from three amino acids and increases the amount of fast energy in your muscles. This not only gets you that little but closer to being like Usain Bolt, and allows you to run and lift more in your normal workouts.
    Beta-alanine: It’s a common story – you start a work out, get into the swing on things, and then 20 minutes in you’re exhausted and your muscles are dead. This is because during exercise we accumulate a large amount of hydrogen, which then causes our pH levels to drop, which ends with us falling off the treadmill. Beta-alanine however helps increase the body’s levels of carnosine, which helps delay the build up of hydrogen, and therefore allows our workouts to go on for longer.
    Glutamine: Glutamine has been attributed in helping slow down muscle breakage, and improves your strength threshold, allowing you do to high intensity workouts for longer.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

You might have heard of this form of workout, and over the years it’s gained increasing popularity, especially for men who want a workout, but don’t have a whole lot of time on their hands. The general idea of HIIT training is that during your intensive workout your body can’t provide enough oxygen to your muscles, meaning that after you’ve finished your workout your body is still working to get back to normal. This means you’re still burning fat even after you’ve stopped exercising.
build muscle get ripped fast HIIT

There are a tonne of workouts online, and the best thing about most of them is that you can easily get ripped at home, meaning you can avoid those gym fees. It’s important to keep your exercise super intensive (thus the name), so don’t run – sprint, and make sure you’re not doing this for any longer than 45 seconds to avoid overworking your muscles.

How To Wear Denim Shorts In Summer - Tips For Men

The Fit

All shorts are ultimately meant to be comfortable and casual, providing you with freedom of movement and keeping you cool in the summer. Denim is a little less comfortable than let’s say, cotton, but it does provide a stretcher and more fitted, relaxed feel than most other materials.
denim shorts mens street style

As with any pair of shorts, the fit should also relate to your body shape and proportions. They should always be fitted, but also have a little room to manoeuvre. If you’re quite tall, consider going for a longer pair to avoid them riding up and crushing the… ahem, crown jewels.

Different styles should be considered depending on the shape of your legs and how tall you are; for example, shorter guys should be going for shorter denim shorts as they’ll create the illusion of longer legs. The same principle applies if you’re shorter, you don’t want your shorts falling below the knee as this will cut you off completely.

If you’re a stockier build, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to buy a looser pair, as this may result in you looking a little scruffy. Stick to a fitted regular fit for a comfortable yet stylish summer outfit.

The Colour

Denim shorts are available in many colours, which is great. But we do like to stick to neutral and basic colours such as black, grey, blue and even khaki sometimes. The majority of guys will keep it simple, and/or stick to the colour we would usually wear with jeans.

Remember there should be a balance between the jean shorts and what you’re wearing on top. Neutral colours are a favourite because they’re versatile and pretty much suit everyone and go with everything.

Of course it is summer though, so don’t be afraid to add some colours, prints and patterns to any section of your outfit. If you do opt for a more colourful pair of jean shorts then pair them with a fresh plain white tee.

Blue Denim Shorts

Sometimes, it’s best to stick to the originals. A pair of blue denim shorts are perfect way to add some texture and depth to an outfit for summer, especially in lighter shades. While you can pair them with almost anything, a simple white t-shirt will always look fantastic.

Black Denim Shorts

Black denim shorts offer a slightly cleaner look than that of it’s grey or blue counterparts. Ideal for the minimalist, monochrome style mavens among us, they’ll look best paired with a white t-shirt also. That being said, a pop of colour won’t look out of place either – as we all know, black goes with everything.

 Grey Denim Shorts
Almost describable as a mid-point between the blue and black options, grey denim is another brilliant alternative to the age-old blue. Paired with a black t-shirt, grey denim shorts can give off an air of mystery and will also look incredibly stylish. Win – win
 The StyleDenim shorts are extremely casual and a significant staple among the summer street-style lovers. In short, this means that there aren’t many formal rules you need to follow (phew) and so, they can be completely adapted your personal style.

Jorts were once considered controversial, or perhaps something only dads would wear, but in recent years have become very popular. A pair of denim shorts will definitely look more appealing when fitted to the leg, as opposed a loose board short fit which can look quite sloppy.

You should also consider going for a higher cut when considering a jean shorts style, which some may say is it a bit risky, but if you’ve got the legs – shorter shorts have become more acceptable in recent years.

Usually, the hem is rolled up to create a fresher, trendier look; this can be achieved by simply folding in part of the inseam, and then rolling up the hem by one or two inches. Usually, jean shorts are already created in this style, but it is easy enough to recreate at home yourself if not.
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