Fashion Dress in The Present: Project Runway Season 10 Recaps
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Showing posts with label Project Runway Season 10 Recaps. Show all posts

Project Runway Recaps: Episode 5 "Marie Claire Team Challenge"--My Recap!

One Way Monkey, Silk Chiffonies, Eddie Munster and The Working Woman:

This past Thursday was the newest episode of Project Runway Season 10 so you know what comes after the Recaps!

First, let's begin with this gem:

A One Way Monkey is a One Trick Belarusian: Dmitry Sholokhov, one of the more talented designers in this season of Project Runway (and one of my favorites from early on, I might add!), mouthed this one liner on last Thursday night's episode of the reality show.

In trying to describe--and diss--fellow contestant Ven Budhu, during his confessional, Dmitry (above) wanted to say that Ven was a "one trick pony" in terms of his repeated silhouettes and style aesthetic--and instead he said "One Way Monkey". One Way Money...One Trick's all the same. Awww Dmitry, you slay me! PS: I like Ven's "One Way Monkey" style aesthetic! He's one of my top faves of this season as well.

Onto the episode: Separated into two teams, the designers were asked to create a capsule collection for the Working Woman that would then be photographed for the Marie Claire @ Work supplement of the magazine. Nina Garcia--Marie Claire's Fashion Diva--said it had to be both Editorial and work for the "real world".

The teams were "Team Five" (above)--all boys--Christopher, Gunnar, Ven, Nathan and Fabio; and...

"Team Six", which consisted of Alicia, Dmitry, Elena, Melissa, Raul and Sonjia

No one likes to work in teams so they were not happy about that, and is it just me, but throughout this season, there just seems to be a cloud of general unhappiness to begin with. They all seem MISERABLE...and what is up with all the profanities? (and I am by no means a Wash Out Your Mouth With Soap Profanity Grandma!)...

These future designers want to be the next Oscar de la Renta, Michael Kors, Yves Saint Laurent, Ann Demeulemeester...whoever---and build brands, create design companies, open stores...well, I just NEVER saw any of those aforementioned ICONS of the Fashion World shout profanities like these kids on their way to success and fame. I feel as if I am watching "MTV's Real World" and not my little ol' show. Moving on...

The episode also had Raul hoping to create a Reality Show "Bromance" with Cutie Christopher but when Fabio--from Christopher's team, didn't choose him--Raul was left sad that somehow, his Christopher-Raul Bromance was over. Awww, the young gays...

Miss NOT Congeniality Award: Elena tried her best to become the Most Hated Contestant on this season. She fought with just about everyone, got on everyone's nerves--in the workroom and while trying to dictate the Marie Claire @ Work photoshoot. She also called the "Team Five" boys the "Silk Chiffonsies" (or "Chiffonies") calling them out on their love of silk chiffon (I guess I would be in that group too!). She also called Raul "Eddie Munster" (see bottom of this post). I bet Raul is changing that pointy thing on his forehead hairstyle AS WE SPEAK. There's always a Villain on all these types of shows and I think we finally know who the Villain of this season is: Miss Elena.

The Runway: Joanna Coles--Editor-in-Chief of Marie Claire (she's also the "Tim Gunn" of Project Runway All Stars)-- was the Guest Judge for this "Design a Working Woman's Collection" Challenge. Now, in case you were wondering what actual successful fashion designers think is Working Woman Clothes, take a look:

 Working Woman Fashion

Now, here's what the PR Season 10 contestants did in Thursday night's episode:

Alicia and "General" Elena worked on these two looks. Alicia did the pants (both FAB!) and Elena made the jackets--one Victoriana/Gothic and the other, contemporary and very NOW! Of the two looks, I liked the one on the right better. It seemed more "real world" Working Woman--a young fresh out of college Jr. Assistant at a PR firm or magazine.

I also liked Christopher's printed silk chiffon skirt with black jacket look. It was very H and M cute. One of my faves.

Dmitry of the "One Way Monkey" fame--designed a color-blocked sheath dress that was chic and sexy. Is this something a girl can work in an office? Maybe not, unless that "office" was being the hostess at the hippest new restaurant in the Meatpacking District. But it was a very well made dress.

Ven Meet Dior: Ven's jacket and skirt was gorgeous and Jackie O fab--the jacket reminded me of the iconic "Dior" Bar jacket/suit (seen above from Dior Haute Couture Spring 2012). As Nina would say, it was a bit "referential".

The Top 2 though were Fabio's black and white color-blocked tunic dress and Melissa's royal blue high funnel neck sheath dress. Melissa's won for being very editorial, looking great in photos, and for its bold dramatic color and silhouette. Do you guys think the judges made the right choice? Talk amongst yourselves or leave me your comments on my Blog HERE.

These above were the Bottom: potty mouth Gunnar (he's one of those that needs his mouth washed with soap) did this dress on the left which did not do anything to make the model's boobies look pretty. Heidi said it was a "deflating souffle" or something to that effect. But it was Raul who was sent home--mainly for his not so cute tops--one of which was this bib-front ruffled blouse that was anything but exciting or creative. If you're going to do a blouse like this, at least twist the ruffles diagonally or a bit askew or something! This blouse looks like it came from the Loehmann's ultra, ultra sale rack.

So it was "Adios" to Raul aka Eddie Munster. His goodbye was less than gracious and well, I had my "Nick Two Cents" thoughts on that plus MUCH MORE on this past here's my Recap:

Team Miserable

Hello "Project Runway" fans and blog
readers. A new week and a new recap ... and yes, another chance to get
something off my chest. Here we go:

Why is EVERYONE on Season 10 So Miserable?

People are crying left and right, contestants are bolting out in the
middle of night, everyone is OVER-stressed and swearing like drunken
sailors (What. Is. With. All. The Swearing by the way? I feel like I'm
watching Snooki on "The Jersey Shore"). The whole thing is kind of
depressing. Now, granted, it is always easy to remember the good and not
the bad, but I don't recollect the environment back in my season being
so miserable, or my fellow cast mates being so contemptible (Or at least
most of them). We would be in the confessionals cracking jokes, saying
this-and-that (and not in a nasty, spiteful way) and the requisite "I'm
not sure I will be finished on time" comments. On this season, it's been
a cloud of unhappiness and doleful anguish almost every week. And it's
only week five. I'm beginning to understand why Andrea and Kooan did a
"I'm OUTTA here!" without even batting a L'Oreal mascara'ed eyelash.

Design a Working Woman Collection, Direct a Photoshoot, Work on a Team & Go to Mars!

Heidi enters the runway and brings out my Colombian sister from
another Mister, Nina Garcia. Nina announces to the designers that this
is the "Marie Claire Team Challenge" and they must create a capsule
collection for a working woman that is both editorial AND will also work
in the "real world," AND they will work in teams AND they will also
direct a photoshoot of the collection with the winning team being
featured in the Marie Claire @Work supplement of the magazine. Oh, and
did I mention that the winning design will also be launched in the Mars
Rover to be used as an instrument to find proof of water on the planet?
Just kidding. But seriously folks, that is a LOT rolled into one

Bromance Ends As Soon As It Begins

The designers begin to choose the members of their teams and Raul is
the Last Man Sitting. He's feeling like a "schoolyard reject" as
Christopher, whom he thought was his new Bromance love, ends up passing
him over for Potty Mouthed Snooki, I mean Gunnar. The final two teams
end up being "Team Five" (5 designers) Nathan, Ven, Christopher, Fabio
and Gunnar, and "Team Six" (6 designers), Sonjia, Elena, Melissa,
Dmitry, Alicia and Raul. During the pre-shopping pow-wow meeting, Raul
(feeling his ego at an all-time low) is confrontational, already
predicting his teammates will throw him under the "Team Challenge Bus."
He also declares that he's "good at making pants" at which point I
almost hear the producers rushing to the "Project Runway Season 10 Wall
of SHAME" and showing proof of just the opposite from last week. Oh
these kids, they SLAY me.

Click HERE to read the rest--and be sure to tell me YOUR thoughts!

Did the right Winner Win? Is Elena AWFUL? Should Gunnar stop swearing? And did you think Raul's Goodbye was classy with a "K"?

Project Runway Season 10 Recaps: "Hasta La Vista Baby!"

Bye Bye Cowards, Quitters and Miss Tacky-licious:

Double Quitters: Andrea Katz (left) and Kooan Kosuke (right) decide to leave Season 10 Project Runway

This week's episode of Season 10 Project Runway was the "Bye Bye I'm OUTTA Here" Episode. At the conclusion of last week's episode, Andrea Katz--the "I have a BA, MA, and MFA Fashion Instructor" decided to skip town and get up and leave. At the beginning of this episode, Tim Gunn informs the designers that yes, she is gone and OUTTA HERE. Gunn had barely finished his announcement when Kooan Kosuke, famous for his "JapFro" and "kooky" fashions, then makes an announcement and tells everyone HE also is quitting the show. Alrighty then. See ya! Now, can I get back to working on my look for this week. Or at least this is what I would have been thinking if I was one of the remaining designers.

Now, back to this week's challenge, to design and create a look for the woman on the go. It's dubbed the Michael Kors Challenge (I'm sure it's in his contract to have one of these and honestly I would too if I was him!). Kors explained that the look the designers create should be one that can go from office to cocktails. But still be glamorous.

Judges Nina Garcia, Michael Kors, Miss Heidi (in a very Wilma Flintstone one shoulder animal print dress), actress Hayden Panettiere and Fashion Designer Rachel Roy took a look at the creations.

The Top were Christopher and Sonjia:

LOVED both of these designs--I'm sure if I was asked to do this challenge, I would have probably done something along the same drape-y, jersey, cocktail-y look. But maybe in a color. For sure. With that being said, I just didn't think these were actually realistic fashion visions for a real woman "on the go". These were DEFINITELY cocktails at the Dream Downtown Meatpacking NY Hotel...and certainly NOT, I'm working 8 hrs at my Google Office Job and then I'm picking up my kids at Daycare and then finally, I'm meeting my girlfriends for some Dirty Martinis.

To me they were more the Marie Claire Magazine Editorial version of what they would "envision" a "Woman On The Go" to dress like, not necessarily the real thing.

I did like Melissa Fleis' layered look (for a woman on the go in say, San Francisco or Seattle) (left photo) and Elena Slivnyak's gray coat and super skinny pants ensemble (right) looked very chic and also maybe, just maybe a little more "Woman On the Go", at least for me.

I also thought Dmitry Sholokhov's (one of my favorite Project Runway Season 10 designers) look (photo above) was very good. It was Day and yes, could be Evening too.

The Worst:

Nathan Paul's drab pea-green dress and cardigan look was BAAAD (left). Rule #215 in Fashion: Do NOT--under any circumstances--put pea green on a blond. And this look aged the model so much. And not to mention how rather uncreative it was. Judges don't reward Kooky Creative more than boring uncreative. She looked like a School Principal. And then , poor Fabio Costa. All the judges agreed that he styled himself better than his model (right photo). His own look should have been on TOP and his actual design belonged in the bottom. PS: I just love how these Project Runway designers--post Season 2--now are all UBER self-styled, especially for the judging day. They are much too TV savvy. Almost to a fault. Certainly for Fabio.

But then there was Raul "I'm Back Bit****" Osorio and this:

Raul was brought back because of the fact that two designers had left. Congrats mija. He boasted about how fabulous and talented he was and therefore, deserved to be there. Humble NOT. But then he makes this mess of an outfit above. And in addition, he FAILED in the "I Can Make Pants" competition:

 Thanks to for these MARVELOUS photos

I have had first semester students of mine at FIDM make BETTER pants in my pattern/draping class. I get that pants are one of the most difficult things to fit and it takes years to perfect a great fitting pant. So, maybe he shouldn't have "gone there". If I was his pattern/draping instructor, I would have given him a "D". Sorry Raul.

But the worst was Buffi "I am FAB in Dubai" Jashanmal. Huney. What. Were. You. Thinking. Cheetah print dress and a coral apron. No. Not here and not ever. Look at the model's face: She's like "I cannot believe I am standing here and getting payed next to nothing in this God Awful outfit". Can I run out of here and go have a drink with my girlfriends and call my booker to tell him what a bad decision I made in doing this show? Please".

I did think it was great though, that Buffi said her "Good Bye's" with a "I'm going to continue to do Tacky!" At-a-Girl! At least she OWNED it! Hasta La Vista Buffi!

To Read my Recap of this week's episode and what I really thought of it all, keep reading kids...


Hasta La Vista Baby!

It seems like every season of "Project
Runway" — or at least the last eight seasons of which I have had the
honor of blogging — there always comes an episode in which I need to Get
Things Off My Hairy Chest. Usually, these "nuggets" of recap-wisdom
come later in the season, however for Season 10, this desire to vent
came early. If you’ll allow me kiddies, let me begin:

1) Cowards, Cop-Outs and Quitters

Well, well, well. At the end of last week, we find out Andrea BA MA
MFA Fashion Instructor who likes Hoop Skirts and Victorian Gallery Owner
fashions ... is OUTTA HERE. Her roommates wake up and they're like
"Where's Andrea?" She gone, as they say. Then, as this week's episode is
still on its "Act One," we find out JapFro Kooan also wants to leave.
Alrighty then. Either something is rotten in the Atlas Apartments water
or we've got (in case you're counting) TWO Cowards, Cop-Outs and yes,

2) Quitters Make Me Angry

Let me get on my "Uncle Nicky" soapbox if you’ll allow me: I get SO
mad when this happens on "Project Runway" (and it doesn't happen very
often). First off, I am so proud of being an alumnus of the show and all
the wonderful things that have come forth as a result. I have worked my
little butt off for 95% of them, but ... it is undeniable that being on
the show has been a trampoline. I am honored to be an "ambassador" of
sorts for "Project Runway." THOUSANDS of people apply for just SIXTEEN
spots. I have seen many of these designers, since I have been a casting
judge for the last eight seasons of the show. In fact, there were
several I saw in Los Angeles THIS season, that did not make it onto the
show — who were more talented than both Kooan and Andrea, yet by the
luck of the Casting Fairy, did not make it. And if you remember way back
to my season, I had a moment of weakness myself and considered calling
it quits, but truly deep in my heart I could never imagine walking away
from such a great opportunity. So, when I see not one, but TWO
contestants quit, I am both dumbfounded and angry.

3) Kids, Get Back To Work!

When Tim Gunn comes into the Parsons workroom and informs the
(remaining) designers that Andrea has left and then Kooan says his "I
think I should go" announcement, the designers are all verklempt about
it. Nathan is actually CRYING (seriously huney, get a grip!). Cutie (but
has become quickly annoying) Christopher, is self-blaming (PS: it's not
all about YOU, huney). The designers spend all this time huddling
together and commiserating over the loss of the two designers. GET OVER
IT. I don't even care if this sounds insensitive but, I would have been
cuttin', drapin' and starting my sewin' as all that mess was going on. I
would have also been mad and thinking, "Ummm, we only have A DAY to
make this week's challenge look and now we've wasted an hour of it ...
can we move on?!"

Click HERE to read the rest...

Project Runway Season 10 Recap: "Where's Joan Rivers When You Need Her?"

Where's Joan Rivers?

Oh Joan, I Wish You Were The Judge: Joan Rivers E! Fashion Police

This week's Project Runway Season 10 Challenge was to Create a Red Carpet Look to be worn at the Emmy Awards. The official name of the challenge was the LEXUS Team Challenge--hello, the show has to pay the bills!

Car Style: Mentor Tim Gunn tries to keep a straight face (no pun intended) as he announces the "LEXUS" involvement in this challenge

Somehow they created an addendum to the challenge that would somehow make it justifiable for LEXUS to be involved--yes, kids, the designers were "inspired" by the colors of these fab LEXUS GS automobiles...yeah, right. This season's designers were given their Red Carpet clients and no, it was't Sofia Vergara or Claire Danes.

Not so muchey as I like to say. Remember the mustard-mess of a dress Season 1's Wendy Pepper made for Nancy O'Dell (photo above). Yeah, bless O'Dell's heart--she smiled through it and was a good sport but you know she was like "NEVER AGAIN!".

Instead, it was former Project Runway contestants and/or winners--such as Laura Bennett from Season 3, Kenley I-threw-a-cat-at-my-boyfriend Collins from Season 5 (above), Irina (Season 6 Winner), Anya (Season 9 Winner) and several others. Let's just get to the Runway darlings, shall we:

Nina, Michael Heidi, and guest judge, actress Krysten Ritter were there and really--nothing against the lovely Miss Ritter--but I was hoping it was going to be Joan Rivers. She would have let these Season 10 contestants HAVE IT. Especially those who were all "I HATE designing 'Red Carpet'..." Yes, I am talking to you Alicia and Raul!

Anyhow, Miss Klum walked out in a strapless sequin LBD with a wink-and-a-smile secretly saying "THIS is a Red Carpet dress kids! Now, go home!" Speaking of Red Carpet dressing and the Emmys--here are the Best Dressed of 2011 as a refreshner:

2011 Emmy Awards Best Dressed

My favorite was the silver silk charmeuse gown that Dmitry and Melissa created for "Kelly Osborne 2.0" April Johnston (above). Somehow, this ended up in the "middle" and not as one of the top two. What gives? Maybe Heidi, Nina, Michael and Krysten were too tired and "over it" (some of those judging sessions go on 'till the wee hours darlings!)

Four Inches Too Short Wedding Dress: Bitchy McBitchy Gunnar and Kooan created this white gown for Irina and somehow this ended up in the Top Two.  You can read my Recap at the end of this post to really know what I think of this dress...

This was the Winner (above left photo)--a short navy blue silk gazar cocktail dress from Ven and Fabio--for "I Want ALL the Attention" Kenley Collins. It was very pretty and expensive looking but Emmys worthy? Go back to that collage of Emmys 2011 Best Dressed...

Is That Your Pageant Britney? Season 9 Winner Anya and Miss District of Columbia USA 2012 Monique LaShone Thompkins

The Bottom Two were cutie (I am renaming him "Drama Queen Christopher" after this episode) Christopher and Andrea BA MA MFA Katz and the design they created for Anya. I do LOVE a pageant gown and a slit--as long as it's not DANGEROUSLY close to her nether-regions--and this dress was. Poor Anya would have been SLAMMED by the "Fashion Police" --or at least moi on TV Guide's Emmys Fashion Wrap!

But the worst was the dowdy dirndl halter dress that pointy-haired Raul and dreadlock'ed Alicia created. Bad with a Capital "B". Poor Mila. This look really aged her and made her look like a Mother-of-the-Bride as opposed to a Red Carpet Diva.

If you want to know what I REALLY thought of this last episode? Read below:

"Where's Joan Rivers When You Need Her?"

 Team I-Don't-Want-To-Be-On-A-Team

We knew it was going to be a KRAZEE episode the minute Tim Gunn said
that this was a "Team Challenge." No One. I reiterate, NO ONE, likes the
Team Challenges on "Project Runway" (except the viewers). The challenge
this week? To create a red carpet look that is to be worn at the Emmys
in September. Lest you forget, our little ol' show is nominated this
year! This challenge was also dubbed the "LEXUS Team Challenge" because
the designers also had to incorporate the colors of the new LEXUS GS
cars (the automobile sponsor) into their red carpet creations. I almost
wished they had to make these looks out of actual LEXUS car parts! But
oh wait, I think that's already been done...


Red Carpet Sacrificial Lambs

Seven Teams of two were created — Christopher/Andrea, Sonjia/Nathan,
Elena/Buffi, Ven/Fabio, Gunnar/Kooan, Alicia/Raul and Dmitry/Melissa.
Now, who would these teams be designing Emmys red carpet creations for?
Heidi? Nina? Sofia Vergara?! Nope, darlings. Remember the debacle years
ago when Season 1 Winner Jay McCarroll created La Klum a gown for the
Emmys and she ended up not wearing it? (Oops). And the mess Wendy Pepper
made for Nancy O'Dell to wear to the Grammy's as a result of a
challenge she won? Yeah, in other words, not such a good history of
these collaborations. So, instead, the show brought back seven past
Runway contestants and winners — Season 9 Winner Anya, Season 6 Winner
Irina, Laura Bennett, Kenley, Mila, April Johnston and Valerie Mayen
(who?) — to be the Red Carpet Sacrificial Lambs ... I mean clients.


Time Complainer, Hissy Fits, Ironing Assistants

Team Elena/Buffi got Laura Bennett as their red carpet client which
immediately scared me. If Laura and those two were the last people stuck
on an island, she still wouldn't choose them to make her a dress (But,
alas, she has no choice). Laura is elegant Manhattan chic, while Elena
is Lady Gaga futurama and Buffi is just tacky-licious. Strong-headed
Elena is delegating Buffi to steaming/pressing assistant status while
she's just running around stressed and panicked. She's also complaining
about the lack of time they are given to make an evening dress. Really
Elena? What part of "Project Runway" did you NOT understand? These kids,
they slay me.

Click HERE to continue reading...

And make sure to let me know YOUR "Two Cents"" on the site--I read ALL your comments!!! 

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