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London Summer Olympics 2012: Opening Ceremony Uniforms of the World--The Fab, Good, and Oh Dear!

London 2012 Parade of Nations Fashionistas

This past Friday were the much-awaited London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony, officially signaling the start of the 2012 London Olympics of course. I was in NY on business and watched it at my hotel. I always love watching the Olympics Opening Ceremony for the fabulous spectacle that it always is (Can you say BEIJING!!!). This time around British filmmaker, Danny Boyle (of "Slumdog Millionaire" fame) was placed as the Artistic Director of the London 2012 Opening Ceremony and he put on a fabulous show, taking audiences on a beautifully chaotic
journey through many iconic moments in British history, music, and literature. While the show itself wasn't Beijing jaw-dropping incredible (it's hard to top that darlings!), the Boyle
opening ceremony made for an awe-inspiring beginning to the world’s most
legendary event.

Face Dress: The girls who held the names of the respective nations of the world, all wore these A line-shaped dresses featuring a photo of London 2012 Olympics volunteers--and sensible shoes.

But for me--as a fashion designer and fashion-watcher of sorts--what I most look forward to is the

Parade of Nations and the countries uniforms and "costumes". Here are some of my choices for the Fashion Fab, the Fashion Good" and the  "Oh Dear!" from the 2012 London Summer Olympics Parade of Nations, all sectioned by the separate "areas" and/or continents of the world:


The Netherlands: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these uniforms. For me, these were one of the best of all the 204 countries. They were designed by Suitsupply and Kudos to them! The colors were GREAT and noticeable from the nose-bleed seats in the stadium I am sure (I wasn't there so I wouldn't know, but I can only assume). The neon orange trench coat (I want ONE!), the matching pants, the dark blazers with white piping, the royal blue dresses. Oh, and to finish it all off, each uniform/outfit had a large tulip in its lapel. How do you say FABULOUS in Dutch? The look was chic, upper class trust funder from a very WASPY college. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade:  A

Belgium: I love any uniform that looks like they should be on some FAB flight attendants. And Belgium's uniforms fit the bill to a "T". They're  sexy, fashionable, and cheeky. Pop of color: check. Sleek styling: check. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: A

Czech Republic: OK, I am just not sure what Wellies, umbrellas, bedazzled-trimmed blazers with contrast lining and printed cropped leggings or white shorts has to do with the Czech Republic. I assume the rain boots and umbrellas were some sort of a nod to London and it's sometimes rainy weather. Nevertheless, there are so many things going on in these "uniforms" that it's almost as if their theme was "Tacky Tourist". For that, they get a Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: C+ (they get points for "kookiness")

Germany: Things I like: the bright baby blue and "Barbie pink" colors. We can certainly spot them from a mile away. But then the nylon puffy zip-up jackets seem a bit "Fall/Winter" for me and along with the white pants, do not really scream "Germany" (save the hats with the German flag colors). These uniforms look more appropriate for the crew of the Princess Cruises. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: C

Sweden: The fact that they could somehow transform the Swedish flag into a rugby shirt is fashion-commendable. One can certainly not confuse these kids with any other country that's for sure. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: B-

Denmark: First off, the Danish are BEAUTIFUL! They all look like Nordic Gene Studies in Pretty. They all kind of look related. And well, the fact that all the women and all the men wore THE SAME outfits did not help the matter. They all look like they are either part of "The Sound of Music" von Trapp family...or flight attendants for EasyJet. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: B-

Spain: Oh España!! Their bright red and yellow uniforms caused a bit of a controversy when they were revealed and especially when several of the country's Olympic athletes began tweeting photos of their outfits with commentary such as "Can You Believe the CRAZY outfit we have to wear??? #UniformFail" (in Spanish of course). At first glance they looked like McDonalds employees. But when they walked the Opening Ceremony on Friday, the outfits didn't look so bad. The fan-shaped purses and scarves are OK and the women had these cute red rose headbands--very "Bizet's Carmen". Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: B-

Great Britain: Congrats London and Congrats Great Britain for getting the 2012 Summer Games. However, I can't even say anything nice about these getup's. Fashion designer Stella McCartney worked with Adidas to design the sporting gear and
"village wear" (lounge wear) for Britain's home team. I'm not sure who designed these but they should be fired. These were BAAD. They were white tracksuits featuring cropped pants, tops and jackets with tacky gold mylar-looking accents and collars. I can see these looks at the Lunch Buffet on a cruise but NOT at the Olympics Opening Ceremony. What a fail for the host nation and the British athletes. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: D


India: I'm a sucker for a FAB Sari. So, they had me at Namaste. The bright canary yellow color of the women's saris and the turbans of the men, contrasted with the dark jackets made for a great visual display at Friday night's London 2012 Opening Ceremony. One of my Top Parade of Nations looks. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: A

Malaysia: Three words: I Love It. Just look at those colors, those hats (songkok), the sarong-style overskirts (sampin) on the men...oh, and did I mention the women also looked great! THIS, is why I LOVE watching the Olympics Parade of Nations. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: A

North and Central America, Caribbean:

Mexico: I mean SERIOUSLY. Mexico. You are SLAYING me with this! Absolutely Fab. It is so over-the-top, so-kitschy, so "Am I at El Coyote's Restaurant in LA?" that I feel as if someone will pull some  nachos with guacamole any minute now from their sombreros or colorful sarapes. I know many of you won't like these looks, but I love the fact that they really "went for it". Viva Mejico! Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: A-

Belize: Well done Belize. Sleek, crisp and chic, sportif. They look like well-heeled members of an exclusive country club. For a small Central American nation, you done did well, kids! For that, I give them my Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: A

Trinidad and Tobago: This Caribbean nation is here because of those FAB red with diagonal stripes wrap dresses on the ladies. I just wish the sleeves were not so long and the length didn't look so dowdy, but other that that, they get a Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: B-

Jamaica: Cedella Marley for Puma designed Jamaica's uniforms and they are some of the most stylish of the Parade of Nations bunch. Neon yellow, apple greens, and black (the flag's colors) combined with a unique print plus the on-trend color blocking and sleek athletic silhouettes make for great ensembles. Puma knows EXACTLY what it is doing. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: A

Canada: Khaki pants, sneakers and a zip-up jacket isn't really that creative when it comes to uniforms, especially when compared to say what INDIA came up with...however, I do give Canada points for how matchy-matchy they are (in a good way) and the fact that you could never be in doubt of WHERE these kids are from (Hello, can you READ??). Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: B-

USA: A lot has already been said over the PR kerfuffle committed by the Ralph Lauren company for having the US Olympic Uniforms manufactured in China. It was a big PR #Fail for Mr. Lauren. But, as we all know, if they were made in the US, these uniforms would have probably cost Ralph Lauren and the US Olympic Committee FIVE to TEN times as much so that is why the turned to China. Next time, they just need to eat the cost. I am sure billion-dollar rich Ralph Lauren can take it. Nevertheless, yes, it was still an "Oops" moment. With that being said, I kinda liked these uniforms. They were clean, sharp and gave a slight nod to English prep schools and English Savile Row tailoring and of course, had the red, white, and blue of the US flag. To me, the only negative--style-wise, would be the berets and cut of the women's skirts which was not flattering on all body types. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: B


Nigeria: I loved these uniforms from the Nigerian Olympic representatives. The ensembles highlighted traditional Nigerian dress for both the men and women. They were festive and elegant and featured the colors of the nation's flag--green and ivory. Naturally, for me, my standouts were the women and those fitted gowns and draped and wrapped headdresses. And when they entered the auditorium dancing...well, I gave them a Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: A

Senegal: You cannot go wrong with bright canary yellow. Look at those great suit dresses on the women and the kaftans on the men...I need one, like NOW! (the kaftan) I wished the women's headdresses were more "Miss Universe Parade of Nations" over-the-top though. Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: A-

Cameroon: These colorful robes and tunics from the Cameroon group stood out for me for its traditional and folkloric extravagance. I only fault them when it came to the consistency of their footwear (the one in the white socks and Pumas got my "Fashion Fail" vote). Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: B+

Middle East:

Oman: The men wore traditional Omani robes (dishdasha) and headdresses (muzzar and kummar) which is fine but who really stands out is that woman in the royal blue with gold trimmed traditional ensemble. She ROCKS! Parade of Nations Fashion Grade: B

The Fashion Miss and Mr. Hottie of the London 2012 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony Are: 

Paraguay: Take a look at her! Paraguayan athlete Leryn Franco (she specializes in the javelin throw) is WORKING her cap-sleeved wrap dress, above-the-knee and more importantly, THAT plunging neckline. And need I add that she's GORGEOUS! She became a HUGE internet sensation during the 2008 Beijing Olympics and well, her stock is still WAY up after Friday night's appearance. She stole the "World's Sexiest Athlete" show. Even in those sensible ballet flats she could still STEAL YOUR HUSBAND. She wins my unofficial "Miss London Summer Olympics Parade of Nations Hottie".

Fiji: Finally, I have to give a title to a man. And boy is this A MAN. When the Parade of Nations happened on Friday and they got to the F's and Fiji came up, I could not focus for TEN minutes after that. This is who was holding the flag: 5' 9" tall Hottie McHottie Josateki Naulu, a Judo Olympic Athlete. Look at that body, the arms, the chest, the abs. Only Josateki could make wearing a grass skirt look SO manly. I wonder if he realizes that after Friday night's appearance, he will soon be the Poster Boy for Every Gay Hot-and-Sexy Body Blog. Mr. Naulu, you sir, are my "Mr. London Summer Olympics Parade of Nations Hottie"

Happy Summer Olympics!!!


Back in Melbourne after my vacation to Noosa and I am feeling the cold. From days on the beach soaking up the sun to jumping puddles and constant coffee runs to stay warm, there could not be more of a contrast. Either way I am to inspire both men and women with experimenting with their own personal style. To inspire you to engage with the world outside your front door and step out of your comfort zone. Clothes can either maketh the man or woman but in truth the clothes should not wear you. You should wear them, and they should make you feel amazing and be an extension of your personality. A great item to showcase your personality and style is the coat and that is what this post is all about.


Hat: @asos_man

Sunglasses: @lespecs
Coat: @vanheusenau
Shirt: @dangerfieldclothing
Scarf: vintage find

Gloves: @dentsgloves
Shoes: @jacklondon_official

Whether you're running around town attending gallery shows or catching up with friends over a nice brunch, make sure you're warm and cozy this winter. A wardrobe necessity for me is a good winter coat (or 3 or 4) Wherever you are this winter, you want to ensure that the coat you choose is both functional and stylish. Personally I favour long coats as I like to feel warm and secure. Bomber jackets and denim are great but not practical for cold winters in Melbourne or Hobart where you need a coat that can battle the elements. 

This coat is called "The Grant" from @oxfordshop Naturally I bought it 
Suit & shirt: @briggins_clothiers
Tie: @bows_n_ties
Shoes & bag: @ted_baker
Socks: @paulsmithdesign
Sunglasses: @gucci

Being a savvy individual I adore coats that are easily "Go-To" or "Do-It-All". Simply throw it on and run out the door and look effortlessly chic, coats that are able to be paired with many of your wardrobe items. Great coats will be fitted with some sort of stylish feature from buttons, fur trims, pipping, deep pockets and luxurious fabrics.

Sunglasses: @gucci
Scarf: @frenchconnection_au
Coat: @bossinimenswear 
Pants: @connor_clothing
Gloves: @dentsgloves
Shoes: @ash

Obviously this is one wardrobe item that does need to be fit for purpose and deliver in protecting your from the elements. You will find a large portion of winter coats will come with a hood. The aim of a winter coat FYI is to keep your body warmth in and block the elements from getting in. I look for deep pockets (user-friendly), high collars, and a point of difference in the details such as buttons. 


Coat: @boohooMANofficial
Shirt: @jamesharper_
Pants: @manuelritzofficial
Waistcoat: @connor_clothing
Shoes & bag : @ted_baker
Sunglasses: no name

Keep in mind when shopping for a coat what the material actually is. You will find these days most coats are not fully made of wool, or partial inferior fabrics and insulation are used. In saying that you do not need to spend hundreds of dollars (so many great bargains around town) to get a great coat. There is a large variety of online retailers that produce quality winter coats for fraction of the price and the quality is quite good. 


Coat: @boohooMANofficial
Pants: @edderedidelduca
Shoes: @adidas
Scarf: @karllagerfeld
Bag: @ted_baker
Sunglasses: @lespecs
Gloves: @dentsgloves

The great thing about fashion and style (both two very different things) is there is no right or wrong these days. From clashing prints, to changing your body shape with the use of different fits and styles. Invest in a great coat and it will last years. I do not understand why people invest in something that does not fit their personal style and will be thrown out after the current season. Prime example is Burberry trench coats. They stand the test of time as they are classic and the quality is amazing. 


Cape coat: @jacklondon_official
Sweater: @oxfordshop
Shirt: @oxfordshop
Pants: @boohooMANofficial
Shoes: no idea

Family and friends always ask my advice with how to choose the right fit for a coat. Here are some handy tips:
1) If you cannot lift your arms parallel to the floor the coat is too tight
2) Swing a punch (seriously). If you cannot the coat is too tight across the back
3) Throw your keys or phone in the pockets, if it feels to restricted it is not for you
4) You need room for layers, such as suits, scarves and sweaters or thermals


Sunglasses: @gucci
Coat: @boohooMANofficial
Shirt: @oxfordshop
Pants: @topman
Shoes: @targetaus
Scarf: @frenchconnection_au

Make sure you're ready for the winter season with a great coat or two. My advice is to purchase a black and a camel. Always in fashion and remarkably go with everything. Shop smart and pick a great coat. 

Men's Fashion Tips For Body Types - 15 Rules.

Here are 15 Quick Fashion tips:

1. Fit is King
The most dramatic improvement you can make in your style is to make sure everything fits impeccably. Most guys wear clothes that are too large. Make sure everything you wear is almost hugging the shape of your body – without being tight. Bad fit is an epidemic. We call it “Bad Fit Disease”.

2. Keep it simple
You want a wardrobe that looks great on you, but don’t overdo it. Don’t wear more than three pieces of jewelry or more than three colors. Don’t dress like a rock star unless you’re in a band. If you want to be flashy, a simpler but stylish look would be sporting a black striped dress shirt with a white blazer, a dark pair of jeans, a dressy belt, and your sharpest dress shoes. You could also add a flashy watch or a simple accessory like an interesting necklace, but nothing more. Check out out our article on basics to refresh yourself on what are essential wardrobe items.

3. Change the way you see casual C
asual doesn’t have to be boring. Have fun with collared shirts, or take some inspiration from those who approach casual a bit differently.

4. Pay attention to your supporting pieces
Some sweaters are lean and others are big and chunky. The first rule of thumb is that your top and bottom halves need to match. If you’re wearing a big, chunky, rugged fisherman knit sweater, your bottom needs to be rugged, too. Don’t wear a fisherman’s sweater with a beautiful silk-and-wool suit pant. Instead, wear it with something as casual as cargos or jeans, or dress it up with a Harris tweed blazer.

5. Never go shopping alone
Most of the time, it’s tough to trust the sales people because they usually work for commission. Shop with a friend who will give you their honest opinion. Also, read about shopping on a budget.

6. Stay a notch above
Don’t overdo it to a fault, but dare to take some risks. It’s always better to be a little bit overdressed than underdressed in any setting. All you have to do is think about where and who you’re going to be with and just step it up one notch. But make sure you’re not better dressed than someone who is more important in a certain setting, like your boss. 7. Never underestimate the power of details – The last thing on is usually the first thing noticed. So mind the details instead of throwing together the main parts of your outfit. “Details” can include a scarf, a subtle pocket square, or the way you tie your tie knot.

8. Invest in a superb pair of shoes
If it’s one thing that women will notice, it’s your shoes. Especially how clean and sharp they look. It’s easy to wash and press the rest of your clothes to keep them looking new, but most guys disregard their shoes. Show that you’re a man of taste by getting a great pair of shoes and keeping them in pristine condition.

9. Fashion Tees with logos
When you’re going around with a big logo on your shirt, you risk looking like a walking billboard. Lose the lame Coca-Cola shirt and go for a classic v-neck tee or something artsy (check out

10. Disregard trends
Beware of buying something just because it’s “in” right now – stick to what you truly like. A lot of people rush to get in on the latest trend and end up with a bunch of clothes they don’t wear. It’s better to learn to build a versatile and timeless wardrobe first – then bring in your own twists with some of the new fashion. This one tip will save you so much money! Read up on our compiled list of 40 Common Men’s Fashion Mistakes for extra info.

11. Don’t be a sucker for brand names
Don’t be a Patrick Bateman. Before you decide to purchase an item, ask yourself if you are buying it simply because of the brand name or because you love the quality and style. Ask yourself,  “Would I buy this if there was no logo on it?” Check out our article on how to look designer for less.

12. Continually cultivate your image
Invest more time and money into your image. Cultivate your fashion sense. Your style is a huge mode of communication, and is worth caring for as much as your education, career, and relationships. Sign up for our free crash course on knowing your own style. Oscar Schoffler, longtime fashion editor of Esquire once said, “Never underestimate the power of what you wear. After all, there’s just a small bit of yourself sticking out at the collar and cuff. The rest of the world sees what you drape on your frame.”

13. Ask for real feedback
Most of your friends and family aren’t going to go out of their way to tell you what looks bad. You have to ask for it. In fact, ask anyone and everyone you trust to tell you the truth. Ask your hairstylist, ask your best friend, ask your mother!

14. Upgrade your shave
Even if your fashion is golden, an unkempt beard can be an attraction killer. Achieve a perfect shave by trying a shave brush & old-fashioned double-edged razor.

15. Experiment with style
The only way you’ll really learn, is if you go out there and try new things. I make an effort to try something completely out of my comfort zone whenever I’m at a store – many times you’ll end up loving something you never thought you would. If you make mistakes, life goes on. So many guys are afraid to express themselves through their style, don’t be one of them. Check out our article on how to put an outfit together.

WHO WORE WHAT?.....2017 Latin Billboard Awards: Plunging Cha-Chas, Muy Bueno & Oh Oh!

Flawless: Jennifer Lopez arrives at the 2017 Latin Billboard Awards--University of Miami Watsco Center, Coral Gales Florida

Last night were the 2017 Latin Billboard Awards, which took place in the Miami area at the University of Miami Watsco center in Coral Gables and were televised on Telemundo. This is one of the biggest nights in music awards and therefore the Latino stars were out in their finest red carpet couture. In this edition of my "Who Wore What?" blog, I will discuss my "Best Dressed" plus some trends including "Sequined Queens", Ballgown Ladies", and yes, the dreaded "Uh NOOOOO/Ayyyy Mija!". But of course, I have to begin with The Most A-List of all A-List stars that was at the 2017 Latin Billboard Awards and that was Miss J Lo.

Jennifer Lopez: You just know that any time La Lopez is going to walk a red carpet and especially a high profile one like this one, she is going to SHUT IT DOWN. And Si...she did! I swear this woman was trained by a pack of Drag Queens. And the most fabulous ones at that! Her poses, her Do You Wanna Have S*x With Me" Looks...the outfits! The word DIVA doesn't even begin to describe her. Here, she did not disappoint, walking the red carpet in a black sequined see-through gown from British designer Julien Macdonald and his Fall/Winter 2017 collection.

Julien Macdonald Fall/Winter 2017

The gown featured a plunging neckline (of course!), VERY revealing side cut-out's, an open back plus, if that wasn't enough, a super high center front slit. Oh, and for "modesty", there were sleeves. She looked AMAZING. Now, while on any other actress or singer, this would go into the realm of "Hoochie/Chonchee Land", somehow, Jennifer Lopez pulls it off and put every other female attending the event to red carpet shame. And in case you were curious at what the back looked like, well kids, here it is:

Sexy-Licious: Jennifer Lopez at the 2017 Latin Billboard Awards red carpet--University of Miami Watsco Center, Coral Gables Florida

Jennifer also did an outfit change (of course!) and donned this silver-and-gold creation during the show:

A LOTTTTA Plunging: This gown was also a design from Julien Macdonald Fall/Winter2017 collection, and featured similar side-cut-out's, waistband and center front slit as her red carpet look, but yet, this one was even more revealing. Oh, and it was in silver/gold sequins. I have to admit that I liked the black gown much better. I just think that the front was TOO opened for her, and especially, her "sistahs". It also looked a bit too tight on her.

Now, besides JLo in the black Julien Macdonald sequined gown that she wore on the red carpet, I have a couple of other "Best Dressed" Muchachas...My other Best Dressed gals were:

Daniela Botero: Colombian beauty Daniela Botero wore this silver strapless dress from Venezuelan-born and Paris-based designer Oscar Carvallo. I thought she was one of the BEST DRESSED of the night. I loved this silver "bandage"-like dress; it was chic, modern, not too revealing, great length and fit her perfectly. I also loved her hair and makeup. Muy bien!

Kate Del Castillo: Mexican Telenovela DIVA Kate Del Castillo wore one of my other favorite looks of the night in this one shoulder gown from Lebanese designer Nicolas Jebran and his Fall/Winter 2017 collection. I thought Kate looked like a true red carpet movie star--or Telenovela/TV star! The gown was modern, elegant and runway fab! I also thought her super chic slicked hair and sultry makeup were on-point! Muy, muy bien!

And now, let's discuss some of the Trends and the Ayyy Mija's, starting with...

The Plunging Cha-Cha's------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jennifer Lopez: It goes without saying (even though here I am saying it!), J Lo was the Queen of Plunging at the 2017 Latin Billboard Awards--both on the red carpet and onstage. Since I have already discussed her, it's time to talk about the other ladies who were chest happy--for good or bad. (good for the straight boys I guess!).

Jackie Cruz: "Orange Is The New Black" actress who plays "Flaca", Jackie Cruz wore this black tuxedo-inspired gown. I liked the gown. I thought it was interesting and a nice modern twist on "Le Smoking" and loved the side draped skirt and strong shoulders but...I just think the boobies were TOO MUCCCCHIE. I'm sure there are others who would disagree but, they were distracting. I LOVED everything else--the gown, the design, her shoes, her hair and makeup--it was just the TOO MUCHIE Cha-Cha's.

Aracely Arambula: Mexican actress and former partner of Mexican music icon Luis Miguel wore this rose-embellished black gown which had a plunging neckline, at the 2017 Latin Billboard Awards red carpet. The gown fit beautifully and she looked sultry and sexy. I liked this gown and this look on her. It wasn't too plunging and the "sistahs" weren't too "out there" (Gracias a Dios!).

Patrica Zavala: Venezuelan actress and E! Entertainment Latino host of "Coffee Break", gown from Kuwaiti fashion brand La Bourjoisie, famous for dressing Britney Spears and many other A-List celebs. I liked this silver sequined gown. It had the peek-a-boo cut-out's (like J Lo's) and waistband detail as well as nude illusion panels. I also liked that the plunging neckline opening wasn't too tasteless (like Jackie Cruz'). Patricia looked like a "Miss Universe" winner in this gown! It was Pageant Fab plus did the job for the red carpet.

Natti Natasha: Dominican reggaeton/Latin pop singer Natti Natasha wore this silver and blue paillette-sequined gown from NY-based bridal and cocktail brand THEIA Couture. The gown didn't necessarily have a "plunging neckline" but...Natti's mijas were on display for sure in this dress. I liked the dress and especially the original swirl-like sequined detail. I also liked her center-part hairstyle but even though this dress wasn't too revealing, I just felt she was on the verge of "Ayy Mija" with her boobie-licious neckline.

Chiquis Rivera: Singer and TV personality--and eldest daughter of Jenni Rivera--wore this blue-violet mermaid-shaped gown by Bao Tranchi--famous for her bodysuits. I bow down to Chiquis because I thought she looked AMAZING!! I loved this gown on her and thought it really made her look like a Red Carpet Goddess! Bravo Miss Chiquis and Bravo Bao Tranchi!

Eva Longoria: Eva wore this white caped-back jumpsuit from Italian designer Elisabetta Franchi and her Spring/Summer 2017 collection. The jumpsuit--which looks more like a jacket and pants--featured a plunging neckline, fitted midriff and lovely shawl collar. I liked this on Eva but I just felt the pants were way too long; I just wanted to go in there and take about 2-3" off the hem. This is sloppy work on the part of the stylist and/or tailor.

The Sequin Queens-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ximena Duque: Colombian actress and model Ximena Duque wore this golden sequined gown from NY-based Custom Wedding and Evening Gown designer Lucia Rodriguez. I thought she looked quite beautiful. The gown itself was simple in its silhouette and design but it's all about that fabric; STUNNING! I also loved the perfect fit and length as well as modern hairstyle. Thank goodness she didn't do a "Pageant Betty" bun or something to that effect because then she really would have looked like a Miss Colombia contestant during the evening gown competition.

Alexandra Pomales: Actress/TV Host/Model Alexandra Pomales wore this pink sequined dress from Miami-based fashion brand Evelli by Susan Panter. I liked this gown and style on Alexandra. The gown fit beautifully and I liked the simple tank  shape with the strappy center front neckline accents. I was a bit surprised by the choice of those turquoise (or are they green?) hoop-y earrings but I will cut her some red carpet slack. Next time: Lose those earrings mija!

Sofia Reyes: Mexican singer-songwriter/actress wore this baby blue tulle and lace/sequined applique gown at the 2017 Latin Billboard Awards Red Carpet. It was an OK gown but honestly, it was just a bit too "Figure Skating Costume" (and I LOVE figure skating costumes!). It just looked like "Marchesa on a Budget". But I still thought she looked pretty and I do love that kooky top-knot bun.

Rosina Grosso: Telemundo and Yahoo Sports host Rosina Grosso walked the red carpet in this emerald green sequin-and-tulle gown by Miami-based Andrea Tankovitz. It was A LOT of gown. Especially for the Latin Billboard Awards. I can see this if you are a contestant in the "Miss Universe"  or "Miss Venezuela" pageant but in the Latin Billboard Awards? Not so mucheeey. It was just a lot.

Jessica Carrillo: Telemundo "Al Rojo Vivo" reporter Jessica Carillo wore this ivory sequined applique gown from Dominican designer Giannina Azar. While I appreciated the sequined detail, this looked aged Jessica and it was just too Pageant Betty for her. Especially for a "hip" and "cool" event such as the Latin Billboard Awards. It's a pretty dress but not for this event. She should have saved this for reporting on the next "Miss Universe" pageant. Bad stylist advice.

Kathy K: Singer Kathy K. wore this sequined sheath halter-neck column dress. I liked the dress in its simplicity and design. The only complaint would be the too-dark eyebrows and too-heavy makeup. Otherwise, her dress was OK!

Maria Leon: Actress/singer Maria Leon wore this golden/blush colored sequined gown from Kuwait-based fashion brand, Lioness Couture. This was a nice gown and it fit her beautifully--and I did love her 40's-like swept hairdo--but once again, I thought a plunging neckline, slit-front sequined gown--might have been TOO MUCHEEEY for the Latin Billboard Awards. Once again, this might have been better suited for a "Miss Colombia" or "Miss Panama" during the "Miss Universe" Evening Gown competition. Or the Golden Globes!

Miriam Isa: E! News  Latino Correspondent Miriam Isa wore this strawberry-colored sequined gown from Kuwaiti fashion brand Lioness Couture (same as Maria Leon before her). I liked the dress and simple silhouette. Nothing wrong with the dress but for the Latin Awards Show, a right-below-the-knee version might have been more chic!

The Ballgown Gals--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Becky G: Singer/songwriter and "Power Ranger" actress Becky G wore this rust-colored ballgown at last night's 2017 Latin Billboard Awards red carpet. She looked pretty. I loved her bob-like hairstyle and sweet, clean makeup. In terms of the gown, it was OK; there was nothing extraordinary about it, but I liked the color and fit; I just wasn't a fan of the illusion center front panel. That just screamed "Prom & Pageant".

Angelica Celaya: Don't know who Angelica Celaya is but MIJAAAA, now I want to!!! First off, she looked like a "Mad Men"/Hollywood Glamour Diva in her 50's/60's-like look, silhouette and Rita Hayworth-like hairstyle! The beautiful actress was wearing this strapless ballgown from Venezuelan designer Nicolas Felizola. The gown was EXQUISITE! I loved the black and white Hounds-tooth-like tweed fabrication and the side pockets! If there was any critique, it was just the fit of the top bustier section; I just wanted to pull the cups in tighter! Otherwise, she looked as if she was "serving" her "Sistah's" up to the highest bidder!

Finally...Uh NO/Ayyy Mijas--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Danna Paola: Singer/actress Danna Paola wore this nude iridescent organza with flower detail dress from Mexican brand Lila Masaryk. She looked a MESS. I get where she was going with this--the see-through effect; the undergarments showing; the Dolce & Gabbana-like flower applique...but it was just all so 2014! Even Pageant girls have moved on from this look. Not cute, just kind of tacky-licious.

Salice Rose: Instagram and YouTube Social Media Star Salice Rose wore this red velvet dress to the 2017 Latin Billboard Awards. Now, I have to admit that I must be an old person because I had NO IDEA of who Salice was and the fact that she has 5.2 MILLION Instagram followers! First: Good for her. But, this red dress outfit was a Chonchee Mess, no matter how many followers she has! The dress was too short, the black platform pumps were so 2002, and the blue nail polish was Las Vegas Stripper tacky. She looks like a sweet girl and again, I bow down to her for being a Social Media Star but maybe she should hire a stylist with all that "Social Media Influencer" money to style her in a more updated classy way.


Monique "Momo" Gonzalez: Singer "Momo" walked the red carpet in this dress by  Miami-based designer Andrea Tankovitz (who somehow also created the sequined emerald green gown worn by Rosina Grosso!). I was just perplexed by this look. I get the sort of Valentino-like writing-on-a-gown thing but, then this style had these super-high tacky slits (not just one but TWO!) and then, the plunging was just tacky. On a good note: I thought her hair and makeup was nice--she looked sexy good! And Gracias a Dios she styled it with nude strappy heels. And the back view wasn't too bad! But the overall front view was something that would bring "Project Runway" judge Nina Garcia to tears. Enough said. Monique is so beautiful and so sexy on her own, there is no need to push it to this "Uh Oh" level.

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