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Showing posts sorted by date for query Fashion Dress For Toddlers. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Project Runway Recaps: "Rock-a-Bye Runway"--My "Extended" Recap of this week's episode!

Oh Baby!

Episode 11 Project Runway Muse: a "Real Care Baby" doll

Last night's Lifetime Network Project Runway Season 10 episode had CRYING fake babies, Diva Moms, and a nice self-contained ad for Heidi's new fabulous--and oh-so-cute line for children called "Truly Scrumptious"--available exclusively at Babies "R" Us. Oh and yeah, and an ending I didn't like...

First, The Babies and Baby Couture:

 Heidi Klum and her "Truly Scrumptious" line of children's clothing for Babies "R" Us

The Challenge was--not surprisingly to anyone with half a brain--to design a look for a toddler. In fact, it was to design a look for Heidi's new line; there would be TWO winning looks (a boy and a girl look) and each would be put into production and sold at Babies "R" Us.

Designers Meet Mommies and Babies---Episode 11 Project Runway Season 10

The designers met their clients--and their mommies. They later found out about a "Twist" (it's Project Runway after all) that, in addition to creating looks for the babies, they also had to make looks for the moms.

 No Mommy Zone: Season 10 designers and their fake babies

As part of some annoying edition to the episode, someone decided that the six remaining designers should also get one of those "Real Care Babies"--that you see on "Dr. Phil" or "16 and Pregnant" that cries and cries and cries--when it needs to be fed, diaper changed or taken care of. The designers spent A LOT of wasted time caring for these babies and not so much time working on their designs. It was, needless to say, annoying (maybe that was the point).

 Boris and Natasha Have Babies

But, my favorite snapshot of all that needless crying baby doll mess, was this pic of Boris and Natasha (i.e. Season 10 contestants/designers Dmitry Sholokhov and Elena Slivnyak), holding their fake babies. They seriously look like a mom and dad who've been "through it"!

 Designer Christopher Palu and his Diva Mom Client, Nanci--Episode 11 Project Runway Season 10

There was a "Diva Mom" of course who made for good TV. Nanci--designer Christopher Palu's mom client--was a DIVA from the get-go, especially when she took one look at Heidi's very cute line of children's clothing, turned her nose up and remarked "Baby Dior has Tulle..." Now, I know "Baby Dior" not because I've bought it but because it's known in the industry as the "Caviar" of Children's Clothing. And yes, I looked up what a red tulle little girl's dress from "Baby Dior" would go for...

 Baby Dior red tulle baby dress

And I came up with (wait for it!), $3680 for this red tulle dress above at Bergdorf Goodman (naturally). What Millionaire's Wife is buying this? I want to meet her and I want her as a CLIENT to buy my NIKOLAKI gowns. Period.

Let's Get to The Runway:

Guest judge actress and new mom, Hilary Duff (above), was on hand to see who was IN and who was OUT this week...

The Runway:

Dmitry Sholokhov: one of my top faves was the look Dmitry designed--a very cute red hooded onsesie jumper that was very "FASHION" and had hints of a Superhero Halloween Costume--or at least, one of a CRAYOLA crayon one:

Crayola and Superman Baby Costumes

Truly Scrumptious Boy and Girl: The Winning Boy and Girl Looks from Episode 11--Project Runway Season 10

Heidi Klum with the Boy and Girl Winning Looks for her "Truly Scrumptious" Childrenswear line at Babies "R" Us

Sonjia Williams designed the winning BOY look which was so cute: a gray jacket and pants with contrast lapel, pockets and waistband. Her baby model, Jude, SOLD IT!!! 50% of her win was because of HIM! Seriously. The GIRL winning look was the one by Christopher Palu (yet again!)--Miss Heidi kind of guided him back in the Parsons Workroom when she suggested he do a skirt out of that white fabric with sewn-on I am sure lots of you might say "Well, Heidi TOLD him what to do!!". I agree, she kinda did.

The Bottom:

Season 10 Contestants/Designers Elena Slivnyak and Melissa Fleis were the bottom vote-getters. Elena's was TOO MUCHEEY. Michael Kors thought it was very "Sample Sale" (she's right). And Melissa's white too-short/too-tight dress with bland black jacket was...THE WORST. In my eyes. However. Melissa stayed and Elena was OUT.

Season 10 designers Melissa Fleis (top photo)and Elena Slivnyak (bottom)--Project Runway Season 10

Was this a case of the judges looking at the overall designs from the entire season and thinking "Let's keep Melissa" or was Elena's really the worst? I think the former and not the latter...Oh well, viewers rejoice--or take comfort in knowing that...we'll most likely see Elena on Project Runway All Stars Season 3. I am sure of it.

If you want to know how I REALLY FEEL, continue reading...


Last night's "Project Runway" was one of those episodes that left me
saying "Wh-Wh-What?", mainly because a designer stayed, even though in
my eyes they did the worst job. In addition, I think it was one of the
first times a designer was NOT eliminated for doing Safe and Boring. The
episode left me quite dumbfounded, trying to justify in my mind the
outcome. All I could think is that the judges looked at the designers'
overall work as opposed to the actual design for THIS challenge at hand.
And they always say they do not do that — but it's obvious they do.
There's more that irked me — and yes, things that I LOVED — so, allow me
to give my "Nick Two Cents" for this week.

Oh Baby!

There are only six designers left on this season and therefore they
are feeling the pressure as they get closer to the grand prize. This
week, they all go to a Babies"R"Us store, where Heidi and Tim are
waiting. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to guess what this challenge
will be. Heidi has a new line of affordable baby clothing, "Truly
Scrumptious", that sells exclusively at Babies"R"Us. The challenge this
week is to create a look for this line that will then, be manufactured
and sold at "Babies 'R' Us". Heidi tells the designers that there will
be 2 winning looks — one boy and one girl — and they only have one day
to do it.

Why Do I Care What The Mommies Like to Wear?

The designers' tepid yet pretending-to-be-excited reactions are
priceless. Before they can run out and say "I'm Outta Here!", the
dreaded velvet bag comes out and each designer is "assigned" their baby
models and respective moms. Each designer confers with the moms as to
what their needs and style ideas are for their toddlers. The mom's are
also describing their own styles, which makes me wonder, "Why do I care
what YOU like to wear..." unless (cue the dramatic music in my brain)
there might be a TWIST later and they have to design for the mommies too
(not my first time at the "'Project Runway' Rodeo"). The only thing
that's memorable from this consultation is when Nanci (Christopher's
baby momma) says "Dior uses a lot of tulle" in talking about the
children's clothes. In case y'all are not aware, a "Baby Dior" tulle
dress — for a BABY — goes for $3,680. I instantly think "Oh no, this
one's a DIVA!" Later we find out, she was.

Faux Babies...Why?

The designers head back to Parsons where Ms. Klum left them dossiers,
fabric, notions and trims from her "Truly Scrumptious" collection so
their creations can coordinate with the rest of her line. There are also
toddler body forms and a "special surprise": Lifelike Crying Baby
Dolls. Yeah, the kind those "16 and Pregnant" girls use. They cry, cry
and cry; when they need to be fed, rocked or diaper changed. Is this
really necessary, I wonder? The explanation — from Poppa Tim — was that
they are there so the designers know "what goes into creating baby
clothes." I don't even think he believed what he said...

Click HERE to continue reading my "Rock-a-Bye-Runway" Blog on

Red Carpet Report: 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards...The Oh Dear! Top Ten!

Daytime Emmy Awards Red Carpet OH DEAR! Top Ten!!!

I'm just going to make this Short and Not-so-Sweet--in terms of my Daytime Emmys Red Carpet Fashion Two Cents. I present to you my "Oh Dear! Daytime Emmy Awards Ladies"...

The Finalists:

Petal Pusher: Pink Petal Prom Disaster--It's like someone tried to Knock Off something from Project Runway Season 5 Winner Leanne Marshall...but didn't succeed. I loved the hair though (insert Happy Face).

Where's The Rest of My Dress: Oh huney! Did you forget the rest of your dress? This is unacceptable. Maybe on the runway, it looked H.O.T. Hot on a 6 foot tall model from Brazil but here, in real life, on the red carpet, it looks as if you ran out of your secret lover's hotel room right before his wife showed up!

Scuba No: Now, I realize the whole "Scuba" Theme is big for Resort 2012, but...What in the name of Color-Blocking Fashion is this above? And those necklaces? Were they really necessary? On stage, that neckline looked a teeny weeny bit TOO PLUNGING as well. The "sistahs" didn't look so nice. Her hair and make-up look were very good though (see, I try to include some positives).

Tonya Harding Meets Daytime Drama: Bless Her Swarovski Crystal Studded Purse Heart. Let me guess: Judith Lieber? (the purse, that is) The dress is A LOT of Bubblegum Pink--and I'm a fan of Barbie Bubblegum Pink but maybe not so much of it. And why is the top section inspired by a Figure Skating Costume? Tonya Harding We've Got A (Fashion) Problem!

Real Housewives of Orange County Garage Sale: Two Word: Oh No! It's a Handkerchief-y's's Wrong. Someone made a mistake and told her she was going to a 20th High School Reunion for one of the "Real Housewives of Orange County" as opposed to "Hello, it's the Daytime Emmy Awards"! Maybe at a resort in Marrakesh but not on the Red Carpet.

Pageant Betty: Well well well, it looks like one of Miss USA 2011 Contestants decided to "jump ship", leave the Planet Hollywood Las Vegas Telecast and went straight to the Las Vegas Hilton instead! I wonder if her "handler" even knew she was missing? What is with this gown: The garish colors and the feathers on the boobie (sorry for the Kindergarten-speak), the mesh/nude-and-diamante inset...

Athens On a Budget: I get that the Grecian Goddess Look is still very in--I am a big Fan of this, but the dress is a bit of a misstep here. I think it's the "striped" fabrication--why isn't it just gathered and draped like all the other Grecian Goddess dresses? And then the addition of the necklaces, earrings that a "crown"/headband? Oh those Daytime Drama girls love their accessories huney.

Quick, A Steamer: Looks like someone tried to "recreate" that Gucci Spring 2011 "Look of the Season"...and it did not work. This is like "Wet Seal/Contempo Casuals" Does Gucci. And the wrinkling didn't help. Hand-held Steamer anyone?

Runner Up:

Toddlers & Tiaras Red Carpet: Please tell me she is on some SERIOUS medication. Please. Why is she smiling? I guess I give her points for even walking out of the house, getting in a car and doing the Red Carpet. Who thinks of these two VERY different prints and then decides to combine them? Who? My favorite part, though, is THAT "TLC Toddlers & Tiaras" hair-DON'T. Will someone PLEASE stop hairstylists from doing side ringlets?? PLEASE!!!

But The Award Goes To:

My Window Curtains Are Gone: I ABSOLUTELY love this woman. Any person who would have the chutzpah to just go out, in public, to a BIG Red Carpet Event--in THIS Dress--must be a HOOT to be with! This dress is now on my official "Worst Dresses of 2011" List (I just created the list!). It's like she went to Western Costumes and got an old Marie Antoinette costume (or some curtains from a "Period Film") and decided to pair it with an unrelated black dress she had in her closet from 1987. It's either that or there's a new Project Runway copy-cat show filming in LA as we speak and this was the result of one of the unfortunate Challenges.

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