Bought a long dress, cut it short and used the extra fabric as a belt. YAY - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Bought a long dress, cut it short and used the extra fabric as a belt. YAY

its been really hot for the past couple of days. its been dress after dress after dress. not that i complaining. i love love love dresses. anyways moving on...........

Dress: Vintage from Adams 200ksh
Bag:    Vintage from a thrift shop in Michigan 
Bracelets: gold chain bracelet Mr price 1000ksh
                 white vintage bracelet : took it from my mum years ago and made it mine (evil laugh)
Brooch: Got it from a friend. i believe she got it in Malawi (thanks you Kahaki)
you cant see in these pics but i was wearing a pair of white ballet flats. which i got from Adams.

BTW the dress was originally very long. and not in a cute way. soo i cut it to the length it is now and used the extra fabric and turned it into the belt you can see me wearing and clipped it with a brooch.

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