On the move. Been a very tiring day. No energy to think what to write.
So, for tonight I think I just comment a bit a bit on what those on my blog roll wrote in their latest posting.
Here are my take on the latest five postings by them -
1. Apanama - About Malaysiakini intentionally misrepresenting a statement by MACC about the AG Chamber. I don't really understand why people want to subscribe to Malaysiakini. The reporting is blatantly one sided and with clear cut agenda to undermine what ever is good about this country. If you are so gian to read pro-Pakatan bullshit, read Malaysian Insider. At least you don't pay to get conned. That makes you only half stupid.
2. Alizul - The five most wierd fast food joints in the world. I always like reading Alizul's infomative postings. A break from the usual politics nonsense.
3. Economics Malaysia - He wrote about ETP and GTP reports. Sorry, EM, I look at the title and decided to read it later. Too tired lah to read all those complicated reports now. Later ya...
So, for tonight I think I just comment a bit a bit on what those on my blog roll wrote in their latest posting.
Here are my take on the latest five postings by them -
1. Apanama - About Malaysiakini intentionally misrepresenting a statement by MACC about the AG Chamber. I don't really understand why people want to subscribe to Malaysiakini. The reporting is blatantly one sided and with clear cut agenda to undermine what ever is good about this country. If you are so gian to read pro-Pakatan bullshit, read Malaysian Insider. At least you don't pay to get conned. That makes you only half stupid.
2. Alizul - The five most wierd fast food joints in the world. I always like reading Alizul's infomative postings. A break from the usual politics nonsense.
3. Economics Malaysia - He wrote about ETP and GTP reports. Sorry, EM, I look at the title and decided to read it later. Too tired lah to read all those complicated reports now. Later ya...
4. Another Brick in the Wall - About Ku Li. Well, nothing new about this PM wannabe prince. Never tired one this guy. Over 70 already, still at it. Let him be lah. Wasting saliva only if want to talk about this type of Malay leaders.
5. Che Det - The handsome old man went to great length explaining some Islamic religious matter raised by one of his readers. It's amazing that he still takes the trouble to do that. If I'm of his age, I don't think I can be bothered anymore. May Allah bless Tun M. He may not be an ulama or ustaz, but he definitely don't get caught in a hotel room with other people's wife or some cute foreign prostitute.
Still can't post pictures or video clips. Can't even make links. No time to go to cybercafe to do proper posting. Have to use this useless old netbook again.
I actually feels like writing about the Dong Zong president and his fake credentials, but not on this netbook. Anyway, that one kudos to SatD. He is the one in my blog roll who first got the story. I pity the Chinese educationists, they are led by such conmen against people like SatD. I hope the Chinese ultra warrior shuzheng, who is also in my blog roll can write about that issue too. I defend Chinese schools, not appreciated, so, let a hanyu expert defend the Dong Zong boss la.
5. Che Det - The handsome old man went to great length explaining some Islamic religious matter raised by one of his readers. It's amazing that he still takes the trouble to do that. If I'm of his age, I don't think I can be bothered anymore. May Allah bless Tun M. He may not be an ulama or ustaz, but he definitely don't get caught in a hotel room with other people's wife or some cute foreign prostitute.
Still can't post pictures or video clips. Can't even make links. No time to go to cybercafe to do proper posting. Have to use this useless old netbook again.
I actually feels like writing about the Dong Zong president and his fake credentials, but not on this netbook. Anyway, that one kudos to SatD. He is the one in my blog roll who first got the story. I pity the Chinese educationists, they are led by such conmen against people like SatD. I hope the Chinese ultra warrior shuzheng, who is also in my blog roll can write about that issue too. I defend Chinese schools, not appreciated, so, let a hanyu expert defend the Dong Zong boss la.