Had lunch with a close friend earlier in the afternoon today.
She asked me why I have not been updating anything about Iskandar Regional Development Authority (Irda). She jokingly remarked that my "many fans" in that organization must have miss me....crazy girl :-) they hate me there lah, woman.
Well, never mind.
Actually the main reason I am quite quiet about Irda for awhile now is because I am mindful of the general election which keeps being around the corner without actually going around the corner. I don't want what ever I write about Irda here being used by the opposition to attack the BN state government.
Irda's joint-chairmen are PM DS Najib Razak and Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
Then there was the matter of Irda boss DATUK Ismail Ibrahim. I am not sure if his contract has been renewed.
His existing contract was supposed to expire by year end. If it had already been approved for renewal by the PM, then alhamdulillah, good for him. If not, I hope it will be renewed soon.
She asked me why I have not been updating anything about Iskandar Regional Development Authority (Irda). She jokingly remarked that my "many fans" in that organization must have miss me....crazy girl :-) they hate me there lah, woman.
Well, never mind.
Actually the main reason I am quite quiet about Irda for awhile now is because I am mindful of the general election which keeps being around the corner without actually going around the corner. I don't want what ever I write about Irda here being used by the opposition to attack the BN state government.
Irda's joint-chairmen are PM DS Najib Razak and Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
Then there was the matter of Irda boss DATUK Ismail Ibrahim. I am not sure if his contract has been renewed.
His existing contract was supposed to expire by year end. If it had already been approved for renewal by the PM, then alhamdulillah, good for him. If not, I hope it will be renewed soon.
Well, as for Irda's updates, for now, I don't want to be perceived as writing negative stuff about Irda as an attempt to get rid of him. Personally I got nothing against Ismail. Really la, I am not bluffing. What ever I wrote about Irda was purely because I want Irda as an organization and Iskandar Malaysia as a national project to succeed. If you don't believe me, go and ask the MB whether what I said is true or not, or whether I got any personal vested interest when I kacau the people at Irda. He should know.
Anyway, since I am at it, I better give Ismail and the other Irda people a bit of information -
You all are actually being closely monitored. So, don't mess around.
For instance, that unit which has six (or is it seven) senior vice-presidents, each earning more than RM20k per month doing I don't know what...you all better come out with something really good. Please don't end up getting caught dishing out multi-million ringgit contract goodies to friends, relatives or proxies. That one duit rakyat, ok? I know you all very smart and think that you all know all the tricks, but really, don't do it, ok? You all will get caught if you try. Datuk Mail, I know that those SVPs are your friends, so, please keep an eye on them. It's great temptation to go corrupt there, ok?
Also, Datuk Mail,
Can you please tell your most trusted man in Irda at the moment not to laugh too loud....and openly brag about how he can earn a big fat salary at Irda without doing much work and being a staunch Pakatan supporter. Ya, he is the one who initiated an invitation for Pakatan lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sharwar to give a talk about how wonderful is the DAP 's administration of Penang under handsome CM Lim Guan Eng at the Irda headquarters last year.
Datuk Mail,
you want to keep all those Pakatan supporters, go ahead lah. Rezeki masing-masing, but please la tell them not to be too arrogant and at least do a decent job instead of earning gaji buta from rakyat's money and spend most of their time bitching about the BN government. Fyi, the BN supporters in Irda are really sakit hati looking at all these nonsense.
Ok, hopefully our Datuk Ismail will do something about those little things I mentioned above...really hate to see Irda having to change their boss again...really, Datuk Mail is an ok guy....just that he needs to be aware of all those nonsense which happened behind his back...
Anyway, since I am at it, I better give Ismail and the other Irda people a bit of information -
You all are actually being closely monitored. So, don't mess around.
For instance, that unit which has six (or is it seven) senior vice-presidents, each earning more than RM20k per month doing I don't know what...you all better come out with something really good. Please don't end up getting caught dishing out multi-million ringgit contract goodies to friends, relatives or proxies. That one duit rakyat, ok? I know you all very smart and think that you all know all the tricks, but really, don't do it, ok? You all will get caught if you try. Datuk Mail, I know that those SVPs are your friends, so, please keep an eye on them. It's great temptation to go corrupt there, ok?
Also, Datuk Mail,
Can you please tell your most trusted man in Irda at the moment not to laugh too loud....and openly brag about how he can earn a big fat salary at Irda without doing much work and being a staunch Pakatan supporter. Ya, he is the one who initiated an invitation for Pakatan lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sharwar to give a talk about how wonderful is the DAP 's administration of Penang under handsome CM Lim Guan Eng at the Irda headquarters last year.
Datuk Mail,
you want to keep all those Pakatan supporters, go ahead lah. Rezeki masing-masing, but please la tell them not to be too arrogant and at least do a decent job instead of earning gaji buta from rakyat's money and spend most of their time bitching about the BN government. Fyi, the BN supporters in Irda are really sakit hati looking at all these nonsense.
Ok, hopefully our Datuk Ismail will do something about those little things I mentioned above...really hate to see Irda having to change their boss again...really, Datuk Mail is an ok guy....just that he needs to be aware of all those nonsense which happened behind his back...