INES atelier de luxe .... (+Giveaway) - Fashion Dress in The Present

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News Update
Friday, 14 March

INES atelier de luxe .... (+Giveaway)

                                                                                             CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                             ph. Milos Nadazdin

Yesterday, i showed you  winter outfit with a stunning jewelry piece around my neck, and because of your lovely comments and great reactions, i decided to share with you the whole collection from one of my favorite domestic brands INES atelier. I was more than delightful when i saw it! They are definitely statement pieces which are worth of investing in them.
What`s your thoughts?

p.s. Giveaway is only open for a readers from Serbia!


Juče ste imali priliku da vidite pravi zimski "look" osvežen savršenim komadom nakita koji je nosiv u mnogim prilikama. Zahvaljujući vašim lepim komentarima u današnjem postu možete videti kompletnu kolekciju INES atelier de luxe nakita, koja je i više nego očaravajuća!
Pored toga, stiže još jedna dobra vest, a to je da INES atelier brend želi da vam pokloni komad nakita!  Kao idealni novogodišnji poklon, jedna osoba će dobiti minđuše po izboru! :)
Da biste učestvovali u ovom "giveaway-u", potrebno je da:
1. "lajkujete" Facebook stranicu INES atelier-a, OVDE
2.  pratite moj blog na vama najlakši način ( Fb, Tw, Bloglovin` ili GFC)
3. ostavite komentar sa email adresom.
I to je sve! :)

Igramo se do sledeće nedelje (23.12.2012), kada će pobednik biti odlučen uz pomoć sajta!

Želim vam puno sreće! :)

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